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 Hi all, I am looking for any families in the upper Creggan area that stilllive there with the name of McCoy and McKenna.  My great grandfather was owen McCoy born Fork Hill Armagh around 1831ish and married Ann McKenna on 06.06.1862 in Upper Creggan. Ann's parents were Patrick and Margaret Garlan or Garllin. Owen's mother's name was Bridgid but i do not know her maiden name or Owen's father's name.I would love to connect to any family. I am in the UK where Ann and Owen lived, raised their children and died. I so hope to hear from someoen soon. Thanks. EKS.






Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 10:59AM

Message Board Replies

  • Forkhill is in the BT35 postcode area. If you search the UK phone book you’ll get 37 McCoys and 15 McKennas in that area. (There may well be others since half the population are ex-directory these days).

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 11:31AM
  • Thanks you Elwyn, Is there anyway i can find c copy of the marriage certificate of Owen McCoy and Ann McKenna married on 06.06.1862 in Creggan as i am trying to find teh name of Owen's father so i can find furhter McCoys related to me.


    Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 02:13PM
  • RC marriages were only recorded in the civil from 1864 onwards, so you won't get a civil marriage cert for this marriage which is a pity because thye generally contain much more information. Prior to 1864 you need to look at the church records. Creggan Upper marriages are on-line free on this site:

    The marriage is there but, as was common for the period, there are no parents names. Indeed no information other than the couples names and their 2 witnesses.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 03:55PM
  • Thank you again Elwyn, can you suggest anyway to find out Owen's father's/parent's names please or any other history information?  Thanks in advance.


    Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 04:36PM
  • EKS,

    No easy way to find out. What was Owen's occupation and his townland (address) in Forkhill?


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 05:41PM
  • He was a coal miner. As for his address in Forkhill i have no idea. I don't know when he left Ireland to come to the UK. The earliest date i have for him is when he married Margaret Trainor in 1850 in Creggan. His mother is listed as Bridgid on that marriage cert but no father's name. So perhaps i should be looking for that marriage and not the McKenna one given his first marriage to Margaret Trainor was in 1850 - would that help?   Would that marriage give more information? Thanks again.

    Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 05:59PM


    The earlier marriage wouldn't contain any additional information unless it was non RC, which I assume it wasn't

    I am fairly certain Owen wasn’t a coal miner in Ireland because, with a few tiny exceptions, there isn’t any coal here. Certainly none in the Forkhill area. (He was probably a labourer in Ireland). However I have searched for children to parents named McCoy & McKenna in the Forkhill area. Did they have a daughter Mary born 8.6 1871? There is a birth for such a child registered in Newry (whose registration are includes Forkhill). If that’s their child, the birth cert will tell you where they were living and I may then be able to use that to find out a bit more about them. You can view the original certificates on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

    You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2.50 (sterling) to a view a certificate.

    If it’s their child, let me  know the details on the certificate ie townland (address) and father’s occupation. I'll see what I can find.



    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 23rd Aug 2016, 09:04PM
  • Many thanks Elwyn. That wouldn't be their child. Their first child was born in the UK in 1851.

    Wednesday 24th Aug 2016, 03:03PM

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