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Hello, My great grandfather was Martin O'Toole(1866-1908) from a large family (13 kids) of miners from Ballinvalley, outside Avoca. His parents were John Toole and Anna Doyle. It seems the family in Ireland did not use the O', but they have done so in the US. I'm looking for information and other descendants of this family. I have corresponded with (and met when I visited last month!) a very nice gentleman who is related through marriage, but he wasn't able to get his in-laws interested in the genealogy/extended family.


Friday 29th Jul 2016, 09:02PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi again Kathy

    I hope someone researching the family name will be in touch with you. 

    It might be a good idea to record everything you know and send it to that gentleman you met last month. The family might not be interested now but may become interested in future. Just as important, the next generation might be very interested and wouldn't it be great for them to have a connection with you, even if it is only a name and a contact mail/postal address to go on through which they can reintroduce themselves.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 4th Aug 2016, 08:55AM

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