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i am trying to connect with people whose ancestors lived at Castle Warren in Ringaskiddy prior to 1850. I am a direct descendant of the last Warren's there. Robert Warren the orthologist and part writer of the book the Birds of Ireland was my Gr gr Uncle. He returned to Monkston after living in Co Sligo for years and died in Monkston.


Wednesday 20th Jul 2016, 05:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I see that there are two records on the Griffith's Valuation for a Robert Warren here

    You can use the Cancelled/Revision Books to find out more about who retained the land after that period up to the 1980s. Unfortunately these records are not yet available online so you would have to travel to the Valuation Office, Abbey Street, Dublin to view the relevant Books. You can learn more here

    Do you know if Robert had any siblings?

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 


    Thursday 21st Jul 2016, 10:16AM
  • Hello Clare

    Thank you for your response. Robert had three siblings: Edward Harte Warren, my great grandfather, Amy Elizabeth Warren a well known concologist in her day and Matilda Warren. The only person who married was Edward Harte Warren. I live in Australia but have been to Ireland and researched all the facilities so I know a lot about what happened and who bought Castle Warren and the lands. I have met the last owners who had to leave because the Port Authority took over all the land nearby.

    What I am trying to find out if there are any relatives of my Warren family's cousins in the area still. I have not been successful in this.

    Thank you for your help.


    I am actually taking a couple of talks on Researching in Ireland soon and will be giving the participants your web page if they would like to use it.


    Best wishes

    Anne Warren


    Friday 22nd Jul 2016, 05:40AM
  • Ringaskiddy

    Friday 22nd Jul 2016, 05:41AM
  • Hi Anne

    Thanks for mentioning us in your talks.

    I don't see anyone either on the online phone book in the area which is a good way to follow up - Carrigaline seems to be the closest.

    This message will remain permanently so that anyone else researching the family name can connect with you.

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support



    Tuesday 26th Jul 2016, 01:28PM
  • Hi Anne, how are you. I'm Tony Warren and I'm from Ringaskiddy, very close to Castle Warren. My father came from Carrigaline and his father came from a little town in Essex called Marks Tey, I do not know the history of the Castle or the earlier owners. When I was growing up, it was part of a farm.

      There are a number of Cogan families in Carrigaline.


    Kind regards,


    Sunday 16th May 2021, 06:44PM

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