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I have obtained the death certificate of my uncle Edward O'Malley who was a patient and died in St Loman's.  I am interested in finding out more about him and possibly where he is buried.  He was only 32 when he died in 1954.


Sunday 26th Jun 2016, 10:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Gerri

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out

    We won't have access to records of that nature as they are deemed confidential and do not fall within the 100 year rule. You could contact the Department of Health and Children and enquire if you can make an FOI Request through their Access to Institutional and Related Records (AIRR) Project, though to make a request the information has to be personal information. They will at least be able to point you in the right direction.

    You can get in touch here

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 11th Jul 2016, 01:42PM
  • St lomans have a grave yard so it's possibly there.


    Wednesday 10th May 2017, 09:20PM
  • St lomans have a grave yard so it's possibly there.


    Wednesday 10th May 2017, 09:29PM

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