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Looking for any information on Patrick Smyth (b. 1844) in Upper Creggan, married Anne McCahey (b. 1854) in February, 1876 in Belfast.

Father was Peter Smyth and (I think) Mary Rooney (not sure of birthdates).

Other children were:

Michael Smyth (b. 1836)

Peter Smyth (b. 1837)

Cath Smyth (b. 1840)

All in Upper Creggan.

Wednesday 22nd Jun 2016, 04:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • In the record in St. Peter's marriage register his mother appears to be Mary McEvoy, with the same Belfast address as Patrick at the time of marriage..

    see : St. Peter's Belfast, marriages, reel 3, page 75  (3rd last entry on the page)



    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 22nd Jun 2016, 05:58PM
  • Shane, thank you! :)

    Monday 27th Jun 2016, 09:51PM

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