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Hello, I'm new to this site and am trying to find any information about my husband's great great grandfather. His name was David Plunkett born 25th December 1833 in County Armagh. He emmigrated to Australia in 1854, where he met and married Elizabeth Kenney. I have lots of information from his Australian days but nothing prior. In particular, I would like to find his parent's and siblings names and if possible any birth or marriage dates. I have no idea how to go about finding this information. I do not have David's birth certificate; just family stories, telling of his basic information.


Many thanks,

Karina Hutchesson


Karina Hutchesson

Friday 6th May 2016, 10:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Karina:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched on Roots Ireland and unfortunately did not find any David Plunkett baptismal records in Co. Armagh. Some of the RC parishes in Armagh do not have records back to 1833 and possibly he was baptized in one of those parishes. Civil registration did not begin until 1864.

    The Griffiths Valuation head of household survey was conducted in Co. Armagh in 1864. has the Griffiths records. There were only four Plunkett records. Possibly there is a connection with one of those individuals with David.

    Without further information there is not much we can do. Have you considered autosomal DNA testing. Possibly you will match someone who has more information on the Plunkett family.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 6th May 2016, 03:38PM
  • Hello Roger, Thanks for the quick reply. Can you tell me more about the autosomal DNA testing. Is that something my husband or sons can do? And then how do we compare results?



    Karina Hutchesson

    Saturday 7th May 2016, 07:37AM
  • Karina:

    Your husband would be the best to take the test. The main companies are Ancestry DNA and Family Tree DNA. The Ancestry test involves providing some saliva in a small tube and Family Tree has you swab your inner cheeks. The autosomal test costs $99 in the States (not sure where you live) but they do have sales around holidays like Mother's Day and Father's Day. The autosomal test looks at all 22 chromosomes and matches your data against all the other people who tested with that company. Here is a an article that provides more information


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 8th May 2016, 12:58PM
  • Thanks, Roger, I'll look into it! And just for interests sake, I'm in Australia!

    Karina Hutchesson

    Monday 9th May 2016, 07:57AM
  • Hi Karina - my name is Trevor Plunkett and I am related to David Plunkett - I have some information about David, including the family tree - you may have tree info already. There is a dead end with the data on David in Ireland - I could find nothing - but I do have info on his army records.

    I can share with you what I have if you want to contact me at



    Trevor Plunkett

    Monday 6th Feb 2017, 05:10AM

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