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Hello everyone. I am looking for information about Winifred and Patrick Curran from Sligo.

Winifred (my ancestor) was born about 1825 in County Sligo, married Francis Layden, and emigrated to Scotland between 1845-1850 (I have posted separately about him in the Leitrim community). A Scottish birth certificate for one of their children says they married in May 1843 in “Susie Ireland”. I think this could be the townland of Sooey in Taunagh parish, Sligo, but I can’t find either their marriage or their daughter Mary’s baptism there, nor any records for Currans.

Patrick Curran was witness at their son’s baptism in Dumfries in 1850, so I assume he was a close relative, maybe a brother. But he had either died or moved on by the time of the 1851 census for Scotland.

I found a baptism for Winifrede Kerrane in Templeboy parish, Sligo, in 1823, and two Patrick Kirranes in the same parish in 1831 and 1833, but none have the same parents. And Templeboy is a long way from Sooey, or from Inishmagrath where Winifred’s husband came from, so I don’t think these are likely to be the right ones.

If anyone has more information that could help me, or is also looking for this name, I would be interested to hear from you.


Sunday 3rd Apr 2016, 06:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Iain

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you - I hope someone else researching the family name will be in touch.

    One of the issues with the search period for Winifred is of course the vacuum in parish records for the west of Ireland in particular around that time. I wanted to bring to your attention the Early Birth and Marriage Index - it is updated regularly and might be a useful resource for you into the future:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 27th Apr 2016, 11:01AM

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