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In October 2014 my wife, Sandra,  and I visited Tullaroan during our trip overseas from Australia. Tullaroan is the hometown of my great-grandfather Thomas, before he emigrated to Australia prior to 1884 when he married in South Melbourne. I was hoping to find out some information about Thomas's siblings and parents. Unfortunately there was no mention of Pollards in the cemetery at Tullaroan.


That same day Sandra and I visited the cemetery at Ballingarry where we noticed some gravestones for deceased Pollards, but I cannot make a link with them. Since returning home I have surfed the internet re Pollards and Ballingarry. I have discovered that there are other Pollards who emigrated to Australia, but again I have yet to discover a family link.


So let me tell you of what I know, and you may be able to fill in the gaps.,  


Thomas was born in 1848. His siblings and their birthdates are as follows: Mary, 1844; Ellen, 1846; Bridget, 1850; Catherine, 1858; Anastasia, 1861.


Thomas's parents are John Pollard who was born @1820 and Anastatia Hoyne who was born @ 1819. They married at Freshford RC Church on 27/02/1843, the witnesses being Thomas Pollard and Ellen Lahert.


According to Grifffiths Valuation John Pollard farmed land owned by Rev William Budds.


By emigrating to Australia Thomas, as an only son, discontinued this particular Pollard line in Ireland. Thomas had a number of sons including my grandfather, Patrick. Apparently one of Patrick's brothers fought with the Australian Imperial Force in France during WWI and at the conclusion of the war travelled to Ireland to visit his aunts. They refused to welcome him until he took off his uniform, due to its association with the British. The aunts wanted this man to remain in Ireland to marry a local girl and reintroduce the Pollard line but my great grandmother ordered him home.


I do not know the married names of any of Thomas's siblings. Nor do I know whether my great-great grandfather (John Pollard) had any siblings. I am hoping that he may have had a brother who can provide a link to the Pollards of Ballingarry, for example.


I am seeking any information that you can provide about my ancestors and contact information for those who can provide further information.

I look  forward to your reply.



Leon Pollard

Geelong, Vic, Australia


Saturday 19th Mar 2016, 11:25AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Leon

    I am not connected to the family or the area, but it may be helpful to concentrate on one side of the remaining line. A quick search shows that an Anastasia Pollard married Michael Marshall on 23-Nov-1896 in Tullaroan, Kilkenny. I couldn't find baptisms for their children but two of them are recorded on the Census in 1901:…

    These children, aged 2 and 3 are also listed in 1911 as well as a 3rd child:…

    By 1911 Anastasia was deceased as her husband is listed as a widower.…

    If you can ascertain where on the Griffith's Valuation the Marshall plot was located then you could potentially find out who remained there until the 1950s/1960s through the Cancelled/Revision Books (a continuation of the Griffith's), though these records are not yet available online:…

    You may already know this!

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 13th Apr 2016, 02:11PM
  • Hi Clare,

    thankyou for your great work.

    There is a discrepancy of about three years between in the age of Anastasia on the census, and her age that would correspond to her date of birth as per information in rootsweb. Is this a common occurrance?

    One of my cousins suggested that at least one of Anastasia's sisters became a nun. Would I need to contact the various religious orders and ask them to check their historical records?

    Can you supply an email address for the Tullaroan Historical Society?


    Leon Pollard

    Hello Clare,

    since our previous correspondence I have learnt that great grandfather's oldest sister, Mary Pollard also came to Australia. I have seen her will and she mentions a sister, Margaret Pollard, in Kilkenny Ireland. I cannot match Margaret Pollard with any birth records for the children of John Pollard and Anastatia Hoyne, who were born in Courtstown, Tullaroan, Kilkenny, @1850s and 1860s..

    Is there any way of knowing if Margaret is a middle name for one of the sisters. Alternatively, could Margaret have been a cousin, or an adopted sibling? Is there any way of knowing? Did the Irish have particular customs around naming?


    Leon Pollard


    Saturday 16th Apr 2016, 09:28AM
  • Hi Leon

    Generally when we conduct any kind of research we would automatically consider an age variant +/- 5 years so a 3 year difference is certainly acceptable. 

    In relation to your cousins suggestion, you could indeed contact the various congregations but it could take some time. If there were nuns in the area, Sisters of Mercy or Presentation Sisters, for example you could start with them. One of the Heritage Society would have a better idea on that side of things. You would think though, that her first idea of becoming a nun would have begun due to actual contact with them, perhaps at school/in the parish somehow. I don't know if Tullaroan have an Historical Society but the South Kilkenny Society may be able to point you in the correct direction:…

    All the best


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 18th Apr 2016, 09:45AM
  • I have conducted more research on the Pollard/Marshall line. Anastasia Pollard married Michael Marshall at Tullaroan in 1896 and they had three children: Hanorah, Robert John. Robert died in 1928 without marrying. I am not sure what became of Hanorah.

    John Marshall of Kyle (Kyleballoughter?) married Katherine Coogan of Lisnalea in July 1935. I would love to know if they had children, and what became of them.

    Likewise, if anyone could provide any information about Hanorah Marshall I would be most grateful.


    Leon Pollard


    Saturday 20th May 2017, 07:27AM
  • Dear Leon:

    Many thanks for your updates to this message board post.

    You might also consider creating a profile for any one of the Marshall family through the XO Chronicles page.

    This feature is a great way to connect with other members who are also researching similar families or ancestors within a particular area.

    The link is below:

    The only requirements with regard to creating a profile are that:

    1. The person was born over 100 years ago

    2. The person is no longer living.

    If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 22nd May 2017, 08:57AM
  • Hello again,

    further to my previous posts, I have found some information pertaining to Margaret Pollard, who is recorded as dying in 1926. As per there is a baptismal record for Margaret Pollard, daughter of John Pollard and Anty Ho****, dated 21/10/1855, from the Catholic church in Ballingarry. The residence of John and Anastasia is recorded as "Commons".

    I also found a baptismal record for Catherine Pollard dated 4/03/1853. All other details are the same as for Margaret, but her mother maybe recorded as Anastasia Hynes or Haynes.

    The writing in both records is hard to decifer.

    All the other children for John and Anastasia are recorded as being baptised in Tullaroan: in the years 1844, 1846, 1848, 1850, 1858, 1861. The years 1853 and 1855 fit neatly between 1850 and 1858.

    I understand that there is a "village" called Commons about 8km from Tullaroan on the road to Ballingarry. I think that it is in Tipperary, and probably in a different parish and diocese to Tullaroan. Perhaps John and Anastasia were living in Commons for a time. How can we know whether this is the Commons referred to in the baptismal register?

    Anastasia gave birth to a daughter named Catherine in 1858. So if the Catherine of 1853 is indeed the daughter of John and Anastasia then she must have died prior to 1858. I have not yet found a death record to confirm if this is indeed what occurred.

    What more can I do to confirm whether Margaret and Catherine are the children of my great great grandparents?


    Leon Pollard


    Sunday 4th Jun 2017, 09:40AM
  • Hi Leon . . . 

    Greetings from beautiful Tipperary . . . and yes, . . " It's a long way . . . "

    I have been keeping an eye on your corrospondence with our Ireland Reaching Out volunteers . . . who have done some trojan work on your behalf . . . well done to them . . . 

    The reason I now join in is  . . that I have driven a Canadian friend . . around the Ballingarry area . . some years ago . . 

    and we searched for the Pollards of Ballingarry . . . and in her case . . we are satisfied that we identified the 

    area called       " The Commons ". . . .  from which they emigrated to CANADA. . . .


    You could . . usefully . . I hope . . .  make contact with my friend . . who has been chasing Pollards for many many years now . . . 

    She is . . . Pauline Baldwin (nee Deslippe ) . . email

    To add real confusion to her search . . one branch . . Pollard  came from Ballingarry South Tipperary

    and her other branch ( Hanlon's) came from Ballingarry . . North Tipperary. . . 


    Hope this helps . . . Cheers . . . Eamonn.

    Eamonn M. Horan, Volunteer Ireland Reaching Out ☘️

    Sunday 4th Jun 2017, 02:42PM
  • Dear Eamonn:


    Many thanks for keeping an eye on this thread for Leon!  I hope that the information assist him further with his research!


    Thanks again for that--very good of you!


    All the best,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Sunday 4th Jun 2017, 07:31PM
  • Hello, Have just joined this site and I think I am going to like it.  I am posting this as I have a Catherine POLLARD in my families and I was wondering if she could be the same as you have been discussing.  Her parents, as I have on the death certf. are Thomas POLLARD and Catherine HAYES in 1865. Info. given is she married Thomas KENNEDY Gympie Queensland Australia. Born in Thurles Tipperary Ireland and in Aust. for 54 years, making travel about 1884. I do have more info. but will wait to hear from you and will dig for it.  Hope this is of help to both of us. Thank you Bee

    Saturday 17th Nov 2018, 02:02AM
  • Hello Bee,

    it was nice to receive a reply after so long.

    Since posting that information on Pollard ancestors I have discovered free Irish records that have answered many of the questions that I posed above. So many thanks to those who have pointed me in the right direction.

    Firstly for the bad news. I do not believe that we have a common ancestor named Catherine. My Catherine/Kate (sister of my great grandfather Thomas) never married and died in April 1882 in Courtstown, Tullaroan Kilkenny aged 23.

    I recommend that you explore the following websites: This is an Irish government website with scanned records of marriage and death records. You won't find any records in relation to your Catherine, but you may find death records for her parents. This site contains scanned baptismal records from many parishes in Ireland. I presume that your Catherine Pollard was catholic. Baptismal records were the closest thing to birth certificates.

    I have never joined but access it through the local library. Another excellent resource is Find my Past which has scanned records including court records.

    What I have learnt is that Pollard was the most common name in Ballingarry Tipperary in the 1850s. John Pollard (my great great grandfather) was the only Pollard in Courtstown Tullaroan Kilkenny in the 1850s. As Kilkenny is the adjacent county to Tipperary it is very possible that he may have had links in the Ballingarry area. Thurles is close to Ballingarry and Courtstown. So we may be related somewhere way back.

    I would appreciate if you could provide details (birth marriage death) of your Catherine's parents. I have been seeking records of John Pollard's parents (my ggg grandparents) but without luck.

    I have also been seeking to know whether I have any distant cousins named Marshall in the Tullaroan area. I sent letters and received  no response. But the other day I was contacted by a Marshall who connected with me via a DNA website. I am waiting to hear more from him. But I am quietly confident that I may cousins in Ireland.

    Finally, if you are not already using this website, check out You may find some newspaper cuttings of Catherine Hayes and Thomas Kennedy in the Gympie area


    Leon Pollard



    Sunday 18th Nov 2018, 03:49AM
  • Hello again Leon, 

    Sorry not to reply to you sooner, we seem to get carried away with different sites and other activities, and forget what has been posted and where. I will continue with my search and hope to find out more information of Catherine. Will post if anything I think you may be interested in comes to light. Rhonda


















    Tuesday 21st May 2019, 04:50AM
  • Hello Everyone:

    I'm glad to hear of the progress that you are making with the elusive Pollard ancestors and I would encourage you to create Ancestor profiles for them on the XO Chronicles if you have not already done so.  You can use the link below to add as many ancestors as you wish.  Please note that only deceased persons and those born over 100 years ago are to be added.


    If you have any questions, please contact me via this thread.

    The very best of luck with your research and thanks for your interest in the Ireland Reaching Out programme


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 21st May 2019, 10:57AM
  • Hi everyone. This is my first time to post. I'm trying to search back for Pollards of Bouleakeale/Ballingarry area. I have Catherine Pollard born April 1881 (married John Butler and moved to Bonnettstown kilkenny)
    So her parents were John Pollard and Catherine Corcoran. That's as far back as I've got. I dont know if Catherine (born 1881) has any siblings.

    Monday 10th Aug 2020, 10:20PM
  • Hi Karen:

    It appears that your Catherine Pollard's family was living in Commons as Eamonn had previously noted in this thread.  She also had siblings as far as I can make out from the Roots Ireland database:

    1. Bridget 13 February 1883

    2.  Ellen 20 January 1885

    3. Margaret 18 May 1877

    4. James 4 May 1874

    All of their residences were Commons and parents' names were John Pollard and Catherine Corcoran.  There may have been other siblings.  I would recommend that you view the National Library of Ireland parish register of Ballingarry for further information.  The link is here:

    I'm copying Eamonn on this post as he will be able to give you further information as it sounds as if he knows of the cousins that you might have a connection with.  

    Might this be your family in the 1901 Census?  They have 9 children listed as residing with them.  I'm attaching Form A for you.…

    Eamonn will reply to your query and I'm sure that he has some great local information for you.  


    All the best,





    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 12th Aug 2020, 09:36AM
  • Thank you very much Jane, appreciate your help! I will take a look into these,

    Thursday 13th Aug 2020, 03:49PM
  • You are correct Jane, that is the family, my great great grandmother Catherine Pollard (known as Katie) was one of 16 children!!

    Thank you

    Friday 14th Aug 2020, 10:59AM
  • *Anastasia Hoyne was born 1/5/1819 to Patt & Mary Laherty. Courtown. Sprs. Philip Comerford & Mgt Hoyne. Note Mary Laherty was named as Mary Lehart for some of the children that she had with Patt Hoyne at Courtown, Freshford.

    10/11/1816 Martin Hoyne. Sprs. Wm Hoyne & Bgt Sweeney

    6/11/1825 Ml. Sprs. John Hoyne & Honor McEvoy

    23/3/1825 Patt. Sprs. Jno Mckin & Mgt Carroll, Courtown. 


    *27/2/1843 at Freshford. John Pollard - 26/6/1883 aged 65 yrs. to Anastasia Hoyne - 19/3/1896 aged 76 yrs. Wits. Thomas Pollard & Ellen Lahert.

    15/2/1844 Mary. Sprs. Thomas Pollard & Ellen Lahert

    9/3/1846. Ellen. Sprs. Pat Comerford & Peggy Neary. (I have been working on the family because I DNA match with a lady named Payne who is descended from Ellen)

    25/7/1848 Thomas. Sprs. Pk Glennon & Bgt Maher.

    8/11/1850 Bridget. Sprs. Pk Lawler & Kate Conway

    18/7/1861 - 12/2/1909 aged 46 yrs. "T.B." Anastasia .. Sprs. James Robertson, Foyle & Alice Cass, Courtown.


    Now the following 2 records at Ballingarry, Co Tipperary may be or maybe not  interesting but there is no other marriage record for John Pollard and Anastasia Hoynes apart for the Freshford one in 1843. I do wonder! and I do DNA match with Pollard's from Ballingarry. 

    4/3/1853 Catherine Pollard to Jno & Anty Hynes. The Commons, Ballingarry. Sprs. James Teehan & Cath Rochford.

    21/10/1855. Margaret. Sprs. Andy & Ann Healy.


    Anastasia Pollard & Ml Marshall children -

    2/9/1897 Honor. Sprs. Rbt Marshall & Mary Robinson . She was unmarried and worked as a housekeeper for  a Dr Ryan and family. (newspaper obit) She retired to a retirement home at Woodlock, Portlaw, Co Waterford and died there 18/10/1971 aged 72 yrs.

    23/1/1899  - 30/9/1928. Robert. Sprs. Thos Connors & Mgt Cuddihy. He was unmarried and lived at Kyle.

    7/8/1903 - 9/10/1968. John. Sprs. Thomas Cuddihy & Mrs. K. Connors. I do not know if he had family though he did marry 1935 to Kathleen Coogan, Lisnalea, Tullaroan.

    Best wishes, Eily.


    Friday 3rd Feb 2023, 02:48PM
  • Dear Eily, or is it Gerard?

    Thankyou for this information. I have been somewhat tardy in checking the posts during the past few years. But you have answered one of my questions: what became of Ha(Nora)h Marshall. 

    By the way my mother's name is Eileen and she was called Eily by her family

    Leon Pollard



    Tuesday 28th Nov 2023, 09:25AM
  • Dear Leon, thank you for your reply, it encouraged me to go back and again try to work out how I DNA matched on Ancestry with some Pollards, Ballingarry, Co Tipperary.

    I decided to work on John Pollard and Catherine Corcoran and my detective work has paid off, I now know how I match. I am now going to message some of my matches. I just want to add that Catherine Corcoran Pollard, her marriage record states she was from Tinock, Ballingarry but she was actually born at Foyle, Ballingarry. The address for the 1901 + 1911 Census is Foilmarnell Upper and in the Census you will see William Corcoran who was the brother of Catherine Corcoran Pollard. I even found the newspaper obit for William Corcoran who died 6th May 1920 aged 81 years. The obit states that John Pollard was William's brother-in-law as well as giving much more information. If any are interested I will try to put up the obit. Eily 



    Saturday 2nd Dec 2023, 11:20AM

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