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Looking for my Irish family -  Thomas Conway and Honora Noonan/Nunan had two known children. Catherine was christened 1829 (church records) and Mary born circa 1836 (year worked from official bdm records in Australia).  However possibly another Catherine (indicating the one in 1829 had died?) was born after 1829 as she migrated to Australia and all official bdm records indicate she was born (although not proven) around 1834.  They lived in Tulla or Knockadoon out of Tulla.  Mary was my great-grandmother and came to Australia leaving from Plymouth England in 1853 - she had a job to come to in Victoria.  Catherine married in Tulla in 1855, (church records) John Sherry (born 1821 Clare - official bdm records Australia) parents John Sherry and Mary Ann Farrell .  They had arrived in Victoria by late 1857.  Both sisters lived in the same region of the state.   Thomas is believed to have died in the workhouse in 1864 (Irish records).  He was a stonemason. I have found Thomas Conway of Tulla signed the petition for William Smith O'Brien, but as I can't access all of it, I can't get all his details.  Honora, we know nothing regarding her.

On the same boat as Mary to Australia was one Bridget McNamara from Clare who was also employed to work for the same woman as Mary when they arrived in Australia.   Bridget had a sister Mary here, and an uncle Michael Halloran.  Nothing else is known. 

Hoping someone knows more about the Conway, Noonan, Sherry, and Bridget McNamara from Tulla.

Monday 8th Feb 2016, 10:02PM

Message Board Replies

  • Denise:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I will alert our parish liaison for Tulla that you have posted a message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 8th Feb 2016, 10:13PM
  • Thank you very much.  I noticed another post this week re my family - this is from a member here in Australia who I know.  We are very keen to find out more after 15 years of chasing the Conway family et al

    Tuesday 9th Feb 2016, 10:25PM

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