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Please help. My mother godrest her soul tried for most of her 83 years to find them but could not. She started me doing family history at 9 and now that she is gone I want to furfill her wishes and find them once and for al. I am looking for my family which we know was from Cork area: 

John Sewell born abt 1791 in Ireland ( There is a John Sewell in theTownland of Ballynahalisk, St. Nathlash Parish , Cork.) Not sure it is him. Any help would be appreciated.

Wife? Ann?


Ann born abt 1832 in Ireland

Jane born we think August 13, 1834 but that is hearsay no record. She is my gg Grandmother! She married a Patrick James Murphy also ? from Cork family lore says.But married here in Maine, USA.

John Jr. born abt 1842

Elizabeth born 1844-1845

They went to St, John, New Brunswick first, then Portland, and Saco, Maine. Moved again by 1861 back to Osskeag/Norton New Brunswick, Canada, finally settling in Saco, Maine by 1872 where I am from.

How can I get access to brith records of this parish to see if this John Sewell is my John Sewell?

Thank you,




Kathryn McInnis-Misenor

Saturday 6th Feb 2016, 08:48PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Kathryn

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    Firstly, as John and his family were all born prior to 1864 there will be no civil birth or marriage records for them so you will be dependent on parish records. As you probably know, records for Irish parishes vary depending on the start date - some begin earlier than others and have gaps in the series. 

    I think that given that you are not entirely sure if Cork is the correct place you will have to continue your information gathering exercise. Can you provide a copy of the record for John you have found - I can't see him in the records I am looking at.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 1st Mar 2016, 03:59PM
  • Clare,

    This is what I found. The family was quite clear that they were from County Cork, but as one side was Sewell and the other Murphy. I am not sure which or both. As I have more information on the children on Sewell side I am searching them





    Kathryn McInnis-Misenor

    Wednesday 2nd Mar 2016, 03:39PM
  • Hi again Kathy

    You don't mention what religion the family were? The civil parish of St.Nathlsh corresponds to the RC parish of Kildorrery where parish records begin in May 1824 for baptisms and Jan 1803 for marriages. Baptisms from September 1853 are missing. Anyone baptised before 1824 and married before 1803 in the parish will not have a parish record recording the event. This is why is has been so difficult for you to find out more about John as he was born in the late 1790s. Although RC records for baptisms begin in 1824 there is no record in Cork for Elizabeth's baptism, for example, which makes me wonder if she was born and baptised in another county.

    I have checked both resources for Cork records but cannot see any children listed for the correct period with a father John Sewell. 

    There are no John Sewell entries on the Griffith's Valuation in the 1850s and no Sewells at all in Kildorrery but there are 9 in other parts of Cork:…

    Is there an available obituary or death records your side that might shed any further light?


    Genealogy Support 


    Wednesday 9th Mar 2016, 03:22PM
  • Clare, 

    They were Roman Catholic both sides, Sewell and Murphy.

    I saw in Youghal a James Murphy, renting from a Joseph Sewell. This is weird because some of my great Aunts thought it was John Joseph Sewell.

    Also, family lore said that Patrick's father might have been James as the family had parents as middle name.

    Lastly, and I rarely believe in such things but 18 years ago on my honeymoon I made my husband stop in Youghal because I felt my grandmother calling me. She was American born and so we laughed it off. weird...

    How can I check for Sewell records or my Patrick Murphy born about 1826.

    Through DNA I know we are related to:

    Michael Sewell who had a daughter Ellen Sewell born 1844 in Sundaywell, Cork, Ireland. No hits on Murphy as of yet.

    Any advice is wonderful thank you so very much!!


    Kathryn McInnis-Misenor

    Friday 11th Mar 2016, 12:22AM
  • Hi Kathy

    There are two main sites for Cork records (a subscription site) and (a free site). If you get a chance you can take out a short subscription to rootsireland - both sites are easy to use.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 11th Mar 2016, 04:32PM

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