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I am attempting to find the Parish where my Great Grandparents were Edmund/Edward Phelan Born abt 1832 and Mary Ryan born abt 1838 originated from, hoping also to find information in regard to their parents.  Australian Marriage Certificates shows County Tipperary as both their place of birth. My information to date is as follows:

Edward/Edmund Phelan arrived in Australia age 23 aboard "Agincourt" leaving Plymouth 4 Sept 1855 arriving Adelaide 4 Dec 1855. His marriage in Melbourne Victoria in 1860 and Victorian death certificate in 1875 show Father James Phelan (Farmer) and Mother Margaret Cahill. I am sure neither parents ever came out to Australia.

I have not be able to find Mary Ryan's arrival in Australia I rely on her Marriage Certificate 1860 and Victorian Death Certificate 1907. Marriage Certificate shows Patrick Ryan and Margaret Hogan as parents. Again cannot find any trace of either of Mary's parents ever coming to Australia. Any information in regard to the parish all my ancestors lived and dates related to them would be wonderful.

Regards Patricia Dickens.





Saturday 6th Feb 2016, 01:21AM

Message Board Replies

  • Patricia:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched for both Edward and Mary on Roots Ireland using the parental info you provided and got no record. Possibly the churches where they were baptized no longer have records back to the 1830s. There are too many James Phelans and Patrick Ryans in the 1850 Griffiths valuation for Co. Tipperary to try to narrow down the parish.

    You may want to consider autosomal DNA testing. Possibly you might match someone who has more information on your Phelan and Ryan families.

    Roger McDonnell



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 6th Feb 2016, 02:02AM
  • To Roger Mc Donnell,

    Thank you for your research although dIsappointing it confirms all of my dead ends with my research, will consider your suggestion.

    Regards Patricia D


    Sunday 7th Feb 2016, 05:50AM
  • Have you done your DNA? My 3x greatgrandfather, James Ryan, married a Betty Phelan near Callan. Look at my tree on Ancestry. Lindley/Day/Ryan/McDowellFamily tree online. There are lots of cousins there! Best, Beth Lindley Putnam


    Tuesday 1st Nov 2016, 01:03AM

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