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I've recently discovered that my great-great-grandfather Lawrence Fahey came from Galway. He was born circa 1830. By 1860 he was married, in the States, and had children there, one of which was my great-great-grandmother. I'm very excited to find out more about him! Just had my DNA results back, which enabled me to connect with a Fahey cousin, who knew from which county our Faheys originated.

I was able to access parish records for a great great grandparent who'd been born in County Clare, but I don't see parish records available for County Galway. Any help finding these would be appreciated. I'd really like to find out the names of Lawrence's parents and siblings. He may have had a brother named Thomas, born in 1837.

Thanks very much!

Robin Russell Billings

Wednesday 3rd Feb 2016, 08:13PM

Message Board Replies

  • Robin:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC parish for that area is Peterswell/Kilthomas but unfortunately the records do not start until 1854 for baptisms and 1856 for marriages   They are also available on Roots Ireland (subscription site) in Galway East but only back to 1854.

    I also checked the 1856 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Kilthomas civil parish and there were a number of Fahy records in Doonally East and Doonally West townlands including a Laurence who could be your Lawrence's father, uncle or distantly related.

    The 1901 census has Fahey families in both townlands.

    We do have a parish liaison in Peterswell and I will let her know that you have posted a message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Roger McDonnell 

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 3rd Feb 2016, 09:10PM
  • Thanks, Roger!

    Hopefully the parish liaison in Peterswell will be able to find something. I appreciate you reaching out to them!



    Thursday 4th Feb 2016, 06:20PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Checking in regarding the parish liaison in Peterswell regarding the Faheys that you had mentioned. I also have a Sinnott family line from Kilthomas. Looks like the two families likely knew each other in Galway.

    Here’s what I know:

    My great-great-great grandparents are Lawrence Fahey, who was born circa 1831 in Kilthomas, Galway. His wife Bridget Honora (or Honora Bridget) Fahy was also born in Galway. She’s approximately two years younger. Her maiden name is Fahy, by the way; they are likely cousins. They married in Louisville in 1854.

    On the 1870 census, Lawrence and Bridget have two boarders: James Burke, age 32, and Michael Sinnott, age 23. (Michael ended up marrying Lawrence and Bridget’s eldest daughter Mary, who was 17 in 1870. These are my great-great grandparents.) Lawrence and Bridget named their oldest son Patrick.

    Two doors down, on that 1870 census, Michael and Mary (nee Cahill) Fahey lived with their children. I found the church’s baptism record for their oldest child Margaret, who was born in Ireland. She was born on Feb 24, 1859, and baptized on Feb 25, 1859, in Peterswell.  The family’s address was listed as Dunally. The sponsors at the baptism were Michael Burke and Margaret Cahill.

    On the Griffiths Valuation for the Kilthomas area, there are Burkes and Cahills and Fahys and one Sinnott. There was a Laurence Fahy in Doonally (I assume this is the same place as Dunally?) West, a Patrick Fahy in Doonally West, and a Michael Fahy in Knockoura. (There’s also a John Sinnott in Knockoura.)

    I’ve connected through DNA to two distant Fahey cousins, one in New Zealand, and one in New York State. They both know their family’s general history, and know that our Faheys come from the Kilthomas, Peterswell area.

    The New York Fahey cousin:

    Catherine Fahy, born circa 1825, married William McInerney and they lived in the Peterswell area. Don’t’ know the name of her father and mother.

    The New Zealand Fahey cousin:

    Edward Fahy, born approx. 1805 in Doonally, Kilthomas.

    Looks like a lot of the family was centered around Doonally/Dunally, and perhaps relatives in Knockoura?

    (I’ll write a separate message about the Sinnotts later.)

    I would love to find the common ancestor and the current family line for our family’s Fahy/Faheys! I’m thinking that maybe Edward Fahy, born 1805, has one or two brothers that are parents to the other Fahys, so that their father (and mother) are the common ancestors, but that’s just a surmisal.



    Wednesday 9th Mar 2016, 03:40PM
  • Hi Robin:

    I sent a note to our HQ folks to see if we still have a parish liaison in Peterswell. I think a big impediment will be the late start of available RC parish records for the area.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 11th Mar 2016, 05:56PM
  • Thanks for checking, Roger! If  there's a parish liaison in Peterswell, hoping they can give me some advice on finding family, either/or past members, or descendants in Galway.



    Saturday 12th Mar 2016, 04:09PM

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