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Hello.  My name is Anthony McCarthy. I live in Huyton near Liverpool , Merseyside , England.  I am trying to trace any details relating to my grandfather who came from Ireland.  My grandfathers name was "MARTIN JOSEPH HANNON". He was born in either "Listowel" or "Ballylongford" , County Kerry in 1900 or 1901. His father was "MARTIN J. HANNON". My grandfather  may have been baptised  in "St. Mary's church , Listowel" or "Church of Michael the Archangel , Ballylongford".  I would be ever so grateful if anyone could check the parish records to see if there is any details of my grandfather , "MARTIN JOSEPH HANNON"  in either parish. My grandfather left Ireland sometime in the 1920s and settled in Birmingham , England where he got married in  1930. He had 8 children , -- 4 boys and 4 girls who where all born in Birmingham , England.   I' m afraid that is all the information I can provide you with. Any help  or details you can give me relating to my grandfather "MARTIN  JOSEPH  HANNON" would be extremely appreciated by me. Thank you very much.


Kind Regards.  Anthony McCarthy.

Tuesday 5th Jan 2016, 01:29PM

Message Board Replies

  • Anthony:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Is it possible he was from the Killarney area? I located a civil birth index record in 1901 in the Killarney registration district and a 1911 census record for a Hannon family in the Killarney area. The father was deceased.

    Roger McDonnell…

    First name(s)MartinLast nameHannonRegistration year1901Registered quarter/yearJul - Sep 1901Registration districtKillarneyVolume5Page237

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 5th Jan 2016, 05:38PM
  • Hello Roger.  It's Anthony McCarthy here.  I have received your message today  in answer to my message asking for any help or details  regarding my search for any details about my grandfather "MARTIN  JOSEPH  HANNON" who was born in Ireland.  The information you gave me has been a really big help.  I will certainly try to check the civil birth index of 1901 at the address details you gave me.  I was very surprised  at your very quick responce  to my original message. I "Thank You" for that. Very much  appreciated by me.  The information which you kindly gave me  I will pass it onto my uncle who lives in Birmingham , England. He  is the only remaining son of my grandfather  alive today.  He will certainly be very pleased with this information about his fathers family. I can't wait to tell him.  Thank you again for all your help in my search for details or information relating to my grandfather  "MARTIN. JOSEPH. HANNON".  Very much appreciated.  Thank you.


    Very  Kind Regards.  Anthony  McCarthy.

    Tuesday 5th Jan 2016, 10:31PM
  • Hello Anthony,

    I have been researching my family in Listowel for years. One source that has been wonderful is They have the Kerry church records available. Most of the rest of the country is not archived but for Kerry records it's great. 

    Good luck,

    Patty Faley


    Thursday 7th Jan 2016, 02:36PM
  • Hello. It's  Anthony McCarthy from Huyton near Liverpool ,  England  here.  I am looking for more information relating to my grandfather ("Martin Joseph Hannon") who was born in 1901 in Killarney , County Kerry. I have some  information saying that he was in Dublin Mountjoy prison in 1924. 

    Myself and my uncle would like to know if this is true and if so can anyone check if there is any records  confirming this. The details we would to know are as follows:-

    1.  When did he go to prison ?

    2 . Why did he go to prison. ?

    3.  When did he leave prison ?

    Any help you can give in trying to find out this information would be most grateful and extremely appreciated by me . Thanking  you. 

    Kind Regards.  Anthony. McCarthy.

    Thursday 4th Feb 2016, 03:44PM
  • Anthony:

    Found the record but it is on a subscription site. He was given 7 days for insubordination in a workhouse. He was five feet four inches, brown hair blue eyes and had a deformed left ring finger.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 5th Feb 2016, 12:40AM
  • Hello Rodger.  It's  Anthony McCarthy here.  Just received your message about me asking for any prison record details about my grandfather who was in Dublin Mountjoy prison in 1924. Thank you for that.

    You said that you found the records but they are on a subscription site. Could you possibly give me the name of this site so that I can get more derails/information about my grandfather being in prison in 1924.

    In 1924 my grandfather was in a workhouse. At that time he would have been 23 years old. Would he have been in the workhouse as a inmate or would he have been  a worker of some kind in the workhouse. 

    If there are any records available of my grandfather being in a workhouse where would I find them and which workhouse would he have been in. Any further help or advice you can give me would be extremely appreciated by me. Any information I do receive from you I will be passing it to my uncle who lives in Birmingham as "Martin Joseph Hannon" was his father. He will be very pleased and happy to received it.

    I do hope you can help me again in my search for more information about my grandfather who came from Ireland.  The information you have already given me has been invaluable to me and my uncle. You really are a star and you and your team at "Ireland Reaching Out"  are all a godsend in searching for any Irish family history records. I "Thank You" for that.

    Once again a great big "Thank You" for all your help in my search for information relating to my grandfather , "Martin Joseph Hannon". It has been very much appreciated by me. Thank you.

    P. S.  And my uncle too. Thank you.

    Kind   Regards.  Anthony  McCarthy.

    Friday 5th Feb 2016, 12:29PM
  • Anthony:

    The site is Find My Past  I don't think you will get any more details from the site other than what I provided. I assume he was in one of the Dublin workhouses and was an inmate not an employee. Not sure what othe info is available on Dublin workhouses in the 20th century. I would do a Google search. Also, it is difficult to find info on folks in the 20th century because of privacy rules. Currently the 1926 census is not scheduled to be made public until 2026.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 5th Feb 2016, 09:40PM
  • Hello Rodger. It's Anthony McCarthy here again.  Just received your latest message about my grandfather ,  "Martin Joseph Hannon".  Thank you for giving me the name of the subscription site that I might try for more information about my grandfather.  I will give it a go. Thank you also for trying to find out any information relating to my grandfather having stayed in a Irish workhouse in 1924. It was very much appreciated by me. All the information you have given me about my grandfather  I will pass it onto my uncle who has been trying to trace his family tree back in Ireland. He too is very grateful for all this information.

    It has been a pleasure  contacting you and receiving information/details about my grandfather from you.  I am truly grateful  for this. You really are are a true star. Very much appreciated by me.

    Once again a very big "THANK YOU" for all your kind help in my search for information about my grandfather , "Martin Joseph Hannon"  and also his family. Thank you.

    Kind Regards and very best wishes to you.   Anthony McCarthy.

    Saturday 6th Feb 2016, 11:32AM

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