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I am working on piecing together the Brown and Tiernan family lines from the Ballybay Roman Catholic Church.  Many members were listed as living in Barrymore at the time of birth, others in Derries, others in Berries.  I have been working on to try to piece these families together but I'm missing some critical information - after ends to present day and in the pre-1850's I get less confident since I have a problem connecting family members together since I don't have the census information to help me.

I was wondering if anyone can help me with getting information from the community to see if anything was written about these families.  It seems at one time both families were living in Derries - and from what I understand this is a very small area of 5 - 6 farms across the road from Barrymore. I have a set of grandparents who each had addresses of "Derries" at birth. It is for this reason I suspect that these family groups were pretty close knit during the 1850's --- 1900's. These grandparents immigrated to the US but at different times. I believe they married in the US but I cannot find record of their marriage in the US or Ireland.

I am also looking to see if anyone has information about where people from Ballybay RC would be buried. In addition to this question I'd like to know if I can even access burial records.

I can get into specifics if it would help.  My immigrant BROWN came just before the 1901 census so I cannot find him in that one and his BROWN family structure is a bit of a mystery to me since I cannot connect his line to the BROWN family still in Ireland in 1901.  His wife, TIERNAN, is also a jumble because after moving from Tipperary they changed their name from Tierney to Tiernan and then the immigrant went by Tierney again in the US.  I know this seems outlandish but I've triple and quadruple checked this name switching issue.  

Anyone willing to discuss these families?  Anyone know how I can get more historical information about Derries/Berries/Barrymore communities?


Monday 28th Dec 2015, 10:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • I should add that I hope I'm in the right place -- my Ballybay is in Co. Roscommon but I couldn't find a Ballybay "community" for Co. Roscommon.  If I'm in the wrong place I'm sorry! 

    Monday 28th Dec 2015, 10:19AM
  • Hi Juliet,

    Welcome to Ireland reaching out.

    Please include the christian names of grandparents as difficult to do any meaningful search with information provided.

    Where did families emigrate to as sometimes easier to work back from details known to the unknown?


    Gerard, Parish Liaison Lackagh

    Monday 28th Dec 2015, 02:43PM
  • Hi Juliet,

    Welcome to Ireland reaching out.

    Please include the christian names of grandparents as difficult to do any meaningful search with information provided.

    Where did families emigrate to as sometimes easier to work back from details known to the unknown?


    Gerard, Parish Liaison Lackagh

    Monday 28th Dec 2015, 02:43PM
  • Gerlish,

    Thank you.  I didn't know you did research or I would have included the information sooner.  I'll include names and dates that I know.  I will do this later today.


    Monday 28th Dec 2015, 06:40PM
  • OK, I've had a little bit of time to research some of the other issues and now I'm in need of finding the family information for a) the marriage and b) the children of: 

    1) William Tiernan (7 Feb 1879 - 6 Nov 1958) and Bridget Jackson ( _____ - _____ ) 

    2) John Tiernan ( _____ - 30 Dec 1969) and Margaret Morris ( ______ - 17 May 1996)

    These families lived in and were married in Athlone, Co. Westmeath as well as Berries and Derries, Co. Roscommon.  I am working on the paper record of John's relationship to William.  It is believed that John is William's son but I need to verifiy that on paper.

    In 1911 William is living with his sister Rose and they are farming.  

    William and Bridget were married in Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland in Jan/Feb/Mar 1912 and their marriage record is FHL number is 101262, Vol 3, p.18, digital folder #004199364, image #00327.  I still need to get this from the FHL and verify the marriage information.

    They are four all buried in Kiltoom Cemetery. I have an image of John and Margaret's marker/plot.  John worked at the Hudson Bay rail station where they had to switch traffic flow for trains. It is electric now and needs no attendant. His father William worked the railways as well (as was reported on his son James' marriage application in the US).

    I have most of the US data recorded and clear - it is the Co. Westmeath and Co. Roscommon post 1911 that I need now to connect with descendants of William and his son John.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting something but this is where I'm headed now - into the black hole of post 1911.

    Thanks for any tips anyone can provide!




    Tuesday 29th Dec 2015, 05:48AM
  • Just found out that Brigid died on 11 Feb 1959 at her residence in Derries, Kiltoom.

    Tuesday 29th Dec 2015, 06:12AM
  • Sorry for the typo - Bridget not Brigid.

    Tuesday 29th Dec 2015, 06:24AM

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