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I believe I have found the marriage record of an ancestor, Richard Brown, who married Elizabeth Grant in Mooncoin Parish, Kilkenny according to the record. However, I don't find a Mooncoin Parish on this website.


Richard Brown lists his address at the time of his marriage, on Feb 9. 1796,  as Rathkieran, so I am hoping someone will have information about where he may have lived. 


His wife Elizabeth lists her address as Dungooly Parish, but I do not find that parish here either. 



Alison Brown


Monday 21st Dec 2015, 12:42AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Alison

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the very long delay in getting back to you.

    Our website is structured along the lines of civil parishes - Dungooly is in the civil parish of Rathkiernan and Mooncoin in the civil parish of Pollrone. As you say, the couple married in the RC parish of Mooncoin on 09-Feb-1796. It seems that the names of both sets of parents were not recorded. You can see the original marriage record here:

    This link will give you an idea where the parishes are:…

    You ca also look at the Ordnance Survey Historical maps for various periods and see what the area was like in terms of the location of the old schools, limekilns, barracks etc here:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 


    Thursday 21st Jan 2016, 11:31AM
  • Hello Clare,

    I am not sure if I properly thanked you for your help - thanks for answering my message board inquiries!



    Friday 30th Aug 2019, 10:52PM

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