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I am searching for my relative who could have been Mary Kearney's sister in law. See below any information on her or her husband Thomas Twigg would be very helpful thank you.

Can anyone help me please ?

My GG Grandmother Mary Twiggs (name on Church marriage record) married my GG Grandfather John Otto Russell

on 26th June 1829 in Wigston Leicestershire England.

On the 1841 census it shows that she was from Ireland. The only other people from Ireland in the 1841 census for Wigston  was a Catherine Twigg aged 60 (possible mother?) and a Catherine Marshall aged 55 both worked in Woollen Hosiery.

On the 1851 census it said that Mary was from Calla Co Mayo

On the 1861 census it said that Mary was from Killala Mayo

On all subsequent census up until her death it just said Ireland.

Why would they come to Leicestershire?

However, I am in touch with a person from America, who thinks the following :-

Richard Twigg from Quorn Leicestershire, was in the Prince of Wales Leicestershire Fencibles he went out to Killala in 1798 to surpress the uprising. They were there the day General Humboldt of France landed at the request of the Irish rebels to help fight against the English Crown in Ireland.  Richard was not there as a pro Catholic Irish, but rather was a Protestant English Soldier. My friend's hunch is that Richard was captured immediately on the first day that the French arrived, because by 1800 he was married to a local girl Catherine Fallon, he does'nt think that this would have happened if he had been a ruthless soldier. Catherine was apparently protestant and loyal to the Crown. They had a son Thomas Twigg in Killala in 1800. He believes that they had a daughter Mary, but this is not confirmed. Could this be my Mary? Could Catherine Twigg on the 1841 census in Wigston be Catherine Fallon? 

By 1840 their son Thomas Twigg was in BallyMachola, Ballysakerry outside of Ballina with Mary Kearny on her farm. 

They had a son Thomas Twigg born in 1840, they may have had a son John Twigg who was born in Killala that became the head of the household in Castlebar, but he has no proof of that. Thomas junior (born 1840) became a wheelwright/cart maker in Crossmolina he married Margaret Mash in 1861 St Tiernan's church he died 1882 in Crossmolina. My American friend's GG Grandfather was their child Patrick born abt 1863.

If anyone can shed any light on the above ...find  out who Mary Twiggs is related to or connect Mary to Thomas Catherine Fallon and Richard Twigg's son? Find a death or immigration for Richard and Catherine or Mary Twigg/s

Basically any help would be truly invaluable.

Thank you



Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 08:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Brenda

    I have forwarded your Twiggs query to our Kilalla volunteer - hopefully she will be able to shed some light on Mary also

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 09:23AM
  • Thank you Clare that is much appreciated.


    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 04:14PM
  • Brenda-

    I saw your post in Killala and also here-  we are searching a Nancy Kearney whose father was Patrick Kearney- who was supposedly in the Kings Guard of the English army.  Nancy was born in 1818 and her US obituary says she was from "near Killala County Mayo".  Just thought I'd put this out there with the Kearney name. 



    Anne Rogan


    Monday 14th Dec 2015, 07:07PM
  • I'm working on Anne & Pete's ancestry on another thread.  Just mentioning that is a good site.

    The Parish registers are here:


    Kilcummin Mayo

    Tuesday 15th Dec 2015, 05:34PM
  • Dear John and Anne

    Thank you for your responses, I will investigate further.

    Warm Regards



    Wednesday 16th Dec 2015, 11:40AM
  • Email from my mother:

    I am looking at an old email you sent inquiring as to if there were Kearney's in Ballymac. Yes, Paddy Kearney lived down the bohreen beside Carmel Langan's.  He had a field on your right beside Mikey Walshes field. Can you remember a field with  a well and the ruins of an old house in it belonging to Mickey Walshe?  The next field to that belonged to Paddy Kearney .  That was where your great grandfather came from Michael Murphy, Denis Murphy's father. Michael emigrated to Accrington along with his brother who was Paul Enke's grandfather.  Paul Enke's mother was Mary Murphy born in Accrington.

    N.B l can send a google image of the site of the old house if anyone is interested 


    Friday 2nd Sep 2016, 10:28PM
  • Hi Denis

    That would be wonderful, I will forward it to my American friend who I'm sure would be very interested.

    Warm Regards





    Saturday 3rd Sep 2016, 10:10AM
  • Dennis Murphy Its over a year since your last message I am actually going out to America to meet my long lost cousin in December so if you have managed to find a ggogle image of the site you were speaking of I would be gratefel 

    Thank you



    Thursday 2nd Nov 2017, 06:33PM
  • Look at the the first page of this list.

    Mary Kearney and Michael Kearney lived

    next door to one another in a small part of Ballymachola called Balintore.  

    If you click one of the links next to Mary Kearney it will create a map of Mayo from 1856.  It clearly labels her house as number 9 plot of land in Ballymachola. It’s right across the road from my current house which is labelled as Bellstown on the map.  

    Thursday 27th Dec 2018, 05:19PM
  • I took another look at this. I couldn't find any records in Mayo about the family, but found someone made this comment on a photo:

    Richard Twigg: Richard Twigg, born Quornden, Leicestershire, (St Margarets) 1776. private in the Prince of Wales Fencibles. Married Catherine Fallon while stationed in Killala, County Mayo during the uprising of 1798. later had Thomas, Mary, and possibly John (later Castlebar). son Thomas settled in Ballina. married Mary Kearny. Grandson Thomas Twig settled and died in Crossmolina, County Mayo 1882. his survivors settled in Brooklyn, New York, USA May 31, 1884 on the Elysia. Some returned to Leicester. (KTwigg 4/15/2015)

    Kilcummin Mayo

    Friday 28th Dec 2018, 12:56PM

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