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looking for information on peter harvey a farmer born around 1840 and his son also peter harvey born to catherine fee in 1859 in the workhouse.cheers

Saturday 8th Feb 2014, 02:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Ted,

    I went to and found the baptismal record for Peter Harvey born to Peter Harvey and Catherine Fee in Co. Tyrone in 1859.  I am assuming that you have viewd this record and gleaned all the relevant information from it?

    I then went to and searched the Griffith Valuation for Peter Harvey in Co. Tyrone. I found three records containing the leasing arrangements etc.  This may be worth a look.  The valuations were done over a number of years and printed from 1850 onwards so some of the infor may be outdated. 

    Anne Dennehy

    Saturday 8th Feb 2014, 04:37PM
  • Ann,Thanks for the info some of which i have seen.I am really interested in anything i can get on Catherine Fee who was my GGGrandmother as i have only seen her named as the mother on Peters birth certificate then nothing at all.regards.

    Saturday 8th Feb 2014, 09:54PM
  • Ted,

    I've searched for the marriage record for Peter and Catherine but cannot find it.  The marriage records jfor Tyrone go from 1814 to 1900 so it should be there.  It is possible that it was missed when transcribing so may actually be in the original records.  The marriage record could contain Catherine's fathers name which would allow a search of the baptismal records.  There are 2 records for a baptism for Catherine Fee in Co. Tyrone from 1835 + or - 10 years.  I think you should look at these records .  It would only cost about €10 and may be one of them is the correct one??

     Sorry that I cant be of more assistance.

    Kind regards,


    Sunday 9th Feb 2014, 02:42PM
  • Thanks once again Ann.I can't be certain that Peter and Catherine married but i am sure that he did marry a Sarah Gilmore and have a family with her.I am fairly new to researching so how could i be sure that any of the two baptisms you mention are for my Catherine Fee,i think i definately would need to see a marriage certificate for them.Regards.

    Sunday 9th Feb 2014, 10:24PM
  • Hello again all,you have been a great help to me in the past but I am still desperate for any help regarding Peter Harvey born in 1859 as I have nothing on him until he comes to Glasgow around 1885.He gives his father as Peter Harvey and I have always been convinced that this was the Peter Harvey born in 1837 to Bernard Harvey but how can I be sure.Also are there any school records available for the district from 1865 onwards.Thanks for looking again.



    Monday 11th Apr 2016, 07:30PM
  • Hello. The last name “Fee” caught my attention. I know that Peter Harvey 1837 is my 1st Cousin 2x Removed. I believe that Sara Gilmore is also my ancestor by marriage to him. His father was Bernard 18I6 I have his mother as Annie Fee. I haven’t been able to find anything on the Fee family beyond the birth certificate of Peter Harvey 1859 but I have Catherine Fee as being born in 1845. 14 years before her son Peter which makes me raise an eye brow. Following that line down through the Harveys and Lanes, and I don’t know who else I would say that you and I are 3rd cousins 2x removed. I do have our mutual ancestors as, Patrick Harvey (1794 – 1868 ) and Bridget McCave (1786 – 1870 ), my 2X great grand parents and your 4X great grandparents, both of Crossaglen, Armagh.
    Documenting ancestors in Ireland is most difficult. Birth certificates / baptismal records seem to be among the best – if you can find them and read them. I’m seeing Peter 1859 married to Caliner Posey 1868 having one daughter Margaret J Posey Harvey 1900 of Tennessee married to a Paul M Lane 1898 having 4 daughters and 5 sons whom I can’t follow beyond them. If any of this makes sense in your ancestral line, or not, let me know. I’d like to track the harveys back as far as possible and as forward as possible.
    Hope your search is going well.

    Sunday 10th Jul 2016, 10:48PM
  • Hello John and thanks for replying,Peter Harvey 1837 is my GGgrandfather.Catherine Fee 1845 was indeed very young when she gave birth to Peter in 1859 which makes me wonder if she managed to raise him or who actually did raise him as he didn't seem to be part of Sarah Gilmores family to Peter as he was not included in his will and I have no information on him until he came to Glasgow in 1885.How sure are you that Catherine was born in 1845 as I have three Catherine Fees born in 1834 1837 1837 And can't be sure which one is our Catherine as they were all born in Clonfeacle where Peter lived and I do not have any information on her after the birth.

    Are you saying that he married in Ireland and had a daughter in Tennessee? As my Peter came to Glasgow in 1885.I will be happy to let you see everything I have on Peter Harvey. Regards Tommy Harvey





    Tuesday 12th Jul 2016, 03:59PM
  • I have great confidence in Bernard Harvey 1816, Peter Harvey's father as well as the descendents with Sarah Gilmore that I've looked at. I had never heard of Catherine Fee until I saw your post and began looking at that Harvey Line. And I've been able to find next to nothing on the Fee family. My hope was that I was giving you enough that you could sort it. 

    I use Family Tree Maker / I like FTM but Ancestry is a pain in trying to do research.  Ah, well, it's only a very partime hobby for me.

    Which line of Harvey's do you descend from, if you don't mind asking.Peter 1859? And, yes, I'd happily take any information on any Harvey's from today back to William the Conquerer. :)

    So good to hear from you. I'm in Southern California, USA.


    Wednesday 13th Jul 2016, 12:41AM

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