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Getting some encouraging matches.

1825 Tithe Applotment book has a couple things. John and James Gavin in Nart, Kilmore. then have Jo and Francis Gavin in Cromeague, Kilmore. And a widow Gavin too. Maybe these are all brothers, and that's their mom?

Have a death index for James Gavin 1795-1877. these dates are perfect for me, and the oldest son is named James. Beginning to wonder if Joseph is not correct.



Saturday 10th Aug 2013, 01:38AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Nancy,

    Thanks again for your message. I hope that someone with information on this family is able to assist you before your visit.

    In the meantime it may be an idea to contact Monaghan Genealogy (  for some assistance. Please note however, that a fee may apply.

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 14th Aug 2013, 11:58AM

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