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My g-g-grandfather, George Pickens, lived in County Monaghan in the early 1840's. His wife was Jane Roper. My gr-grandmother, Margaret was born at Annalore in 1844. Her two elder sisters were born in Tonytallagh.

I would be delighted to make contact with any family members still living in Monaghan or Cavan, or with anyone researching this family group.

Robert Anselmi



Monday 11th Feb 2013, 06:35AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Robert,


    Thank you for your message and for sharing this information on Ireland Reaching Out.


    I hope that someone who knows of the family or who is researching similar lines makes a connection with you.


    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,       

    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 17th Apr 2013, 02:38PM

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