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Looking for the above family who may have lived in the area.

Thomas, according to Eliza's marriage certificate was a Farmer.

Eliza married William Keating in May 1852 at St. Mary's Clonmel.


Thank you.




Thursday 3rd Jul 2014, 11:47AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Barbara,

    Can you tell me what the relationship was between Thomas Hawkshaw and Eliza?


    Thursday 3rd Jul 2014, 12:41PM
  • Hi Anne,

    Apologies, I should have said.

    Eliza is the daughter of Thomas Hawkshaw who was a farmer, possibly in the area.

    Information I have is that Eliza Hawkshaw married William Keating 24 May 1852 and they were married by Canon Abraham Sargent, Vicar of Derrygrath & Prebendary of Kilardy at St. Marys Clonmel.

    I am trying to establish just where Eliza was born, her birth date and any other Hawkshaw family.

    If I had her mothers name then I may be able to go further also.





    Thursday 3rd Jul 2014, 08:56PM
  • Hi Tom,


    Thank you so so much for the information you have sent it is very much appreciated.

    Have just returned from holiday in Rarotonga, sunshine & fun.

    Will take a look through the information you have sent me and get back to you when I can sort through what you have sent.


    Again a big thank you for taking the time to look at this information for me.


    Kindest regards



    Tuesday 12th Aug 2014, 02:01AM
  • Hi Tom,


    Thank you so so much for the information you have sent it is very much appreciated.

    Have just returned from holiday in Rarotonga, sunshine & fun.

    Will take a look through the information you have sent me and get back to you when I can sort through what you have sent.


    Again a big thank you for taking the time to look at this information for me.


    Kindest regards



    Tuesday 12th Aug 2014, 02:01AM
  • Tom,.

    Sorry I have not got back to you before now.

    Thank you very much for the information you sent me.  Yes, William Keating/e father of William (jrn)

    was a bridewell Keep, misspelt on the record you sent.

    Just to put you in the picture what I do know about Elizabeth (Eliza) Hawkshaw.

    She married in St Mary’s Clonmel (COI) 1852 to William Keating/e

    Father was Thomas Hawkshaw – Farmer.

    She is found in the 1891 England census living with her daughter Sarah Keatinge

    At this point in time she is a widow.

    How and when she got there I do not know.  I do not know if William went with her.

    She died Manchester in 1899 at the age of 64, approx DOB 1834.

    Have not found where she was buried as yet.

    Just prior to my holiday I did some Irish research and also found that Eliza had been a prisoner in the Clonmel Jail, one event being in June 1852, just after she was married to William, she and daughter were tied up in a court proceedings as witnesses on one other occasion also.

    Seems to run in the family as William’s brother Robert G Keating was in a bit of strife on several occasions.

    You mentioned in one of the files that of a William born in Ardfinan.  According to prisoner records Robert, William’s brother was possibly born there, so Ardfinan sounds a possibility.

    Since initially writing up this information, only yesterday I have found William & Roberts parents, William Keatinge & Sarah Keatinge.   This was through the

    Just one more step in finding out about my family.

    Robert’s wife Anne Browne/Keatinge is also buried in the same plot, having died in Cork a week after their son Robert  James Keating was born in Cork.

    So now it is a matter of finding more again.  Sarah's maiden name and when William & Sarah were born.  So much to look up.  Just takes time, been working on it for a number of years now so a few more yet no doubt ((-:


    Kindest regards




    Sunday 26th Oct 2014, 07:53AM

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