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Thomas Obrien married Bridgid Gavan and had at least 4 children . Bridgids father Michael gavan was a wine and spirit merchant in Dublin. But at least one child possibly the youngest Jane is registered in this Parish. I think thomas and Patrick were brothers. bridgid and Thomas's first child Mary joseph came to Australia as a single woman. She married in 1877 but had been in Australia I think for 5 or so yrs prior.

Her cousin ? Henrietta Obrien Patricks daughter also came. Several other obriens as well. 

There is also a Henrietta Crouce who married William Obrien. Their son Michael came and lived with ?family of Hoynes also wine and spirit merchants in Dublin. They married into Nagles also of same trade. i have lots of names and even lots of photos but find it difficlut to put it together as there were so many Jane Obriens and also lots of Gavans.

I have a photo of "Arky Nagle" as a lad happpy to give copies.

Anne Handley

Wednesday 13th Mar 2013, 09:27PM

Message Board Replies



    Thank you very much for your message and offer your offer to share copies of Arky?s photograph. This information will be of great help to others researching the same lines. I hope that they make a connection with you and help you put your research all together.

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 8th May 2013, 12:20PM

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