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My Name is Patti Hartigan and I'm looking to link up with the Coll family that used to live at Maindstone Castle, Dromin.

My great grandmother was Catherine Coll. I know she married Luke Hartigan on 8/2/1876 at Dromin when she was 31.  She died in Crosshaven Co. Cork 9/8/1904 age 59. The Luke/Catherine family lived & farmed at Fort (over near Charleville) where the Hartigans farmed for generations.

I have no birth details for Catherine, but her son Daniel lived with the Colls at Maidstone Castle after her death and I know he had Coll cousins Robert, Patrick and Owen Coll. A search of Dromin church records did not come up with Catherine's birth/baptism.

Catherine & Luke had children: Cornelius, Patrick, Owen, Daniel, Sarah, Maude, Lizzie.

If the second son is named after the maternal father then I've assumed Catherine's father was Patrick Coll.

Larry Roche was also a cousin of Daniel Hartigan, who is my grandfather. When I visited Dromin I was able to meet with a fabulous lady who was best friends with Larry's daughter. Through her I was able to purchase several copies of Larry's book about Dromin. It's a great read.

So any help with the Colls would be greatly appreciated.


Sunday 7th Sep 2014, 12:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Patti

    There is a marriage record of Luke & Catherine in Limerick 1876 on

    The site charges to view the full record which would have the parish (which you know) but MAYBE also the parents' names

    I tried findmypastireland but they don't have it. However the free site www.irishgenealogy has it but there are no parents' names!!

    There are 8 birth/baptism records for Catherine Coll 1846 + - 1year (or surname variants) on rootsireland but none is from Limerick:

    Coll 1846 Roscommon Cull 1846 Waterford Cull 1846 Down Coll 1845 Tipperary Coll 1845 Waterford Cull 1845 Cull 1845 Cork Cull 1845 Down 

    I couldn't see any relevant Colls in Griffiths Valuation 1848-64 (free)

    The Tithe Applotments (free) 1823-37 have 117 Colls including 3 Patricks in Dromin 1833

    No luck on or Family Serach!

    Not sure if you want to risk paying for the rootsireland record of the marriage in the hope it will have her father's name when the other free one didn't 





    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 05:30AM
  • Hello Coll

    Thank you for your help.

    I've checked the Dromin parish records for Catherine's marriage but no first names for parents. And no sign of her baptism/birth. She may have been born elsewhere so I will check out records for her siblings in case there's a clue there.

    I have the rootsireland record aswell, no first names of parents there either.

    Good job I like a mystery!



    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 06:56PM
  • Hello Coll

    Thank you for your help.

    I've checked the Dromin parish records for Catherine's marriage but no first names for parents. And no sign of her baptism/birth. She may have been born elsewhere so I will check out records for her siblings in case there's a clue there.

    I have the rootsireland record aswell, no first names of parents there either.

    Good job I like a mystery!



    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 06:56PM
  • Hello Coll

    Thank you for your help.

    I've checked the Dromin parish records for Catherine's marriage but no first names for parents. And no sign of her baptism/birth. She may have been born elsewhere so I will check out records for her siblings in case there's a clue there.

    I have the rootsireland record aswell, no first names of parents there either.

    Good job I like a mystery!



    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 06:56PM
  • Hello Coll

    Thank you for your help.

    I've checked the Dromin parish records for Catherine's marriage but no first names for parents. And no sign of her baptism/birth. She may have been born elsewhere so I will check out records for her siblings in case there's a clue there.

    I have the rootsireland record aswell, no first names of parents there either.

    Good job I like a mystery!



    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 06:56PM
  • Thanks Col. Good luck with your search Patti!

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 10th Sep 2014, 11:33AM
  • Hi Patti
    I have done quite a lot of research about the Colls in County Limerick and have some information about the Colls from Maidstown Castle. Your Catherine Coll is the daughter of Owen Coll and Elizabeth Lynch and her grandparents were Patrick Coll and Sally Frazer. If you want to email me I can send you what I have. My email is



    Wednesday 18th Mar 2015, 01:58PM
  • Patti,

    Some information from Irish will books that may help a little.

    1898 HARTIGAN LUKE*2189* otherwise LUKE C*2189* (128) 9th June Administration (with the will) of the Estate of LUKE*2189* otherwise LUKE C HARTIGAN*2189* late of Fort, County Limerick Farmer who died 23rd Apr 1887 granted at Dublin to CATHERINE HARTIGAN****** of Fort Widow and Universal Legatee. Effects £514 15s

    1949 HARTIGAN LUKE****** (269) 26th Nov 1949. Probate of the Will with One Codicil of LUKE HARTIGAN****** late of Fort West Charleville Co. Limerick. Farmer who died 1st Oct 1936. Granted at Limerick to LUKE HARTIGAN****** Farmer. Effects £413 0s 0d



    HARTIGAN LUKE****** (1457)

    1457) Abstracts of Wills and Administration. 1858-1900 (from the Cork Registry Office). Abstracts of the Cork and Kerry Wills (1858-1900) are available in record books in the Court House in Cork. The original wills may be found in the Public Records Office in Dublin and Microfilms of the same in the Library of the Genealogical Society of the Latter Day Saints, 107 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utar. Abstracts of Wills, 1858-1864 were made and published in Volume VIII (2364-2382) of this series. It will seem that more pertinent material can be obtained from the original wills than from abstracts.Nearly all of the original wills of Cork and Kerry were burned in the disastrous fire in Dublin in 1922. The Official Index of Cork, Ross, Cloyne, Ardfert and Aghadoe wills were obtained from the Public Records Office in Dublin through the Dr. R.J.HAYES of the National Library of Ireland and we have here published in the preceding volumes these indicies with the handwritten alterations. Some of the writing was difficult to decipher and some misspelling of place names may be present. There exists, to our knowledge, several other indices of Cork and Kerry Wills. The first, a list of Cloyne Wills between 1547 and 1618 in the Journal oc Cork Historical and Archealogical, New Series Vol. 1 pp. 186-7, April 1895 and in the Jounal, Vol. 1, 2nd Series, 1895 pp. 93-99, 139-142, 189-192, 285-88, 381-84. Is a Calender of the Inquisitions and Post Mortems between 1585 and 1693 A.D. These were court records of given dates concerning day of death of deceased, often names and ages of his children, lists of lands owned and other pertinent information. The lists of Inquisitions is not complete and the date of the Inquisition may be some years after the death of the deceased. This was apparently prepared by Dr. RICHARD CAULFIELD and published by Dr. W.A.COPINGER of Manchester. Dr. CAUFIELD’S Index of Cork and Ross Wills was published in the Journal of the Cork Historical and Archeaological Society, New Series, Vol. 1-1v, by Dr. COPENGER. The Wills, 1611-1750, were indexed by WILLIAM GREGG, Deputy Registrar, and brought up to 1833 by Dr. Caulfield. It will be noted that the Public Records Office Index extends from 1611 through 1957. The Cork and Kerry Wills from 1858 were not burned and are available in the Public Record Office, Dublin. A third list of Cork, Ross and Cloyne Wills was published in 1910 in London by W.P.W.PHILLIMORE. There are some differences in the PHILLIMORE list and those of the other lists.

    Wills 1861, MANNING ELLEN******? Under £1,000 letters of Admininistration with the will annexed 6th Jun ofper. Est. late of Bronhill, Co. Cork Widow, died 18th March 1861 at same place granted at Prin. Reg. To LUKE HARTIGAN****** of Fort, Co. Limerick and LUKE BURKE of Coolwornolane, Co. Cork, Farmers.

    There must be some connection between ELLEN and LUKE, they may be brother and sister. What do you think?


    BASSETT’S Directory of Limerick 1884

    County of Limerick Directory

    Gentry, Farmers Etc.



    HARTIGAN L*2189*, Fort East

    Note. HARTIGAN LUKE*2189* at Fort East

    Francis Guy's Directory of Munster 1886

    Principle Farmers

    Parish Colmanswell

    HARTIGAN DANIEL*2176*, Fort Middle

    HARTIGAN LUKE*2189*, Fort Middle

    HARTIGAN LUKE*2189*, Fort West

    Cemetery records

    Historic Graves (Ireland)

    Graveyard = Abbey, Limerick.

    Erected by LUKE HARTIGAN****** in Memory of his beloved wife ELLEN HARTIGAN*1916* died 11th of February 1873, aged 53Years may she rest in peace.

    Also there is a LUKE HARTIGAN****** of Forte died 1843 buried at Buree Churchyard. It is on the Find a Grave Website. At this point in time I have not got that information in my database yet.

    Has I said it may or may not be of any use to you.

    STEPHEN HARTIGAN *any numbers inbetween* are my own numbers are will not meen anything to anybody else.



    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 07:18PM
  • I'm a Coll From Dromin I live approx 2 miles from maidstown any info I can help with ??


    Wednesday 13th Jan 2016, 11:04AM
  • Thank you to everyone with my Coll family search, it's very much appreciated. At the moment I'm trying to find out more about Luke C Hartigan (married Catherine Coll 1876). Just can't trace his date of birth, mainly as there are several Luke Hartigans born in the same period...he lived in Fort (Colmanswell parish)  but birth may have been registered at Charleville due to geography. The mystery continues. 


    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 12:52PM
  • Hi I don't know if you are all still on line.
    The Cathrine Hartigan that died.........
    You Said................She died in Crosshaven Co. Cork 9/8/1904 age 59.
    ​**** This lady was a Spinster.

    The Luke/Catherine family lived & farmed at Fort (over near Charleville) where the Hartigans farmed for generations.
    ​I looked at the family in 1901 Luke the father was a widower then, so I checked young Luke's birth and John's birth, their Mother was Margaret Conway. Daniel's Mother was CATHERINE COLL.
    Margaret the 2nd wife died in 1900.
    ​These records are under Kilmallock.

    ​The Ellie Hartigan aged 15 in the 1911 Census was 5 in the 1901 with her Aunt and Uncle Bridget and Justin McCarthy in Ballygeagoge (Kilfinnane, Limerick). She is Ellen Mary and has Luke as the father and Mother as Margaret Conway.
    ​In put Hartigan fathers name LUKE and you will get 8 results, 3 have Catherine Coll/Cole as the Mother.
    ​There is also another Luke Hartigan married to Lucy Wallace and they have children with the same names.
    ​Be careful!
    ​Then go back to the
    ​and search again.
    Eugene known as Owen, Sarah and Cornelius have the maother as Catherine Cole.
    ​I hope this has cleared up a few things for you all.











    Friday 12th May 2017, 12:34PM
  • Dear Margot:


    Many thanks for your assistance with this post! 


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 15th May 2017, 10:37AM
  • Hello Patti

    I read with interest you post especially the reference to Larry(Capt/Maj Laurence)  Roche 1869-1947 a cousin of your Grandfather Daniel Hartigan.

    Larry Roche's parents were Patrick H Roche (b: abt 1820s?) and Mary/Maria Coll (b: 1840). They were married in 1865 and registered at Kilmallock although I suspect they were married in Bruree or Dromin.  Patrick Roche was a widower - he may have been some years older than Mary. The marriage record names Mary COLE rather than Coll. Mary's father was Owen Coll and she had a brother Robert - it is likely that Mary and Robert were sister and brother of your GGM Catherine. I believe Patrick and Mary's residence was Peafield Cottage, Bruree.

    Larry Roche had 2 brothers P.T. Roche (1866- ? ) and Robert Roche (1868-1923) Robert was the first Secretary of the Limerick County Council 1901-13

    I would be very interested in details of the Larry Roche book and where I might be able to obtain a copy and also of the contacts that you were able to make in the Dromin area.  We spent a lovely week at Bruree in 2017 and will be returning in April 2019. Please feel free to email me direct at

    My main line of research has been the Roche's of Kilmallock and Charleville 1820s-60s but whose line originates in the Athlacca area.  There is a direct link between the Patrick/Larry Roche line and my own Michael/Laurence/Patrick but I have been unable to nail the specific details so far!  There are also at least 2 marriages of Roche daughters to Hartigans. I will revisit this and email you again if I think that it any of it may be relevant. It can become very confusing - as I am sure you are aware.

     You may already be aware of some of the details above but hope that other bits may be useful.

    Hoping to hear from you when time permits

    Kind regards

    Kevin Roche

    Ballarat, Autstralia




    Tuesday 21st Aug 2018, 02:41AM
  • Hi Kevin, 

    I have emailed you a copy of the Larry Roche history of Dromin. Hope you enjoy it as it's a great read and historical resource. 



    I am a descendant of Owen Coll, brother of Catherine Coll. I still have family in Bruree, and will help you if I can.
    If you would be interested in exchanging information with me, please email me directly as it's easier on:

    all the best for now, 


    Monday 29th Oct 2018, 07:11PM
  • LUKE HARTIGAN, Male , Married, Residence = Forte. Date 8th February 1876, at Ss Peter and Paul's Cork City, Cork, Dio= Cork and Ross, County= CorkSpouse= CATHERINE COLL COLL, Witness = DANIEL H and SARAH COL

    i have just found this Marriage on Ancestry, Births and Marriage  Parish registers 1655- 1915

    hope it helps.

    stephen H

    Stephen, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘️

    Friday 5th Apr 2019, 09:21PM

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