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Both great grandparents immigrated from Ireland to USA, they met and married in USA.

They had six children-Henry,Daniel,Michael,Mary,Edward, and John.




Henry Charles Clark(e) born April 1866 ,  ( died young in 1907) his father was charles, mother possible first name is Honora.

Unsure if henry or his father dropped the "E" at end of Clark as they felt it ,to be,  to English.  Wondering if father was from England ?   Henry claims comes from Cork on USA  immigration paperwork.

Margaret Connors born June 1871, might be from Mallow, claims Cork also in Ireland. There is a

mess-up with her last name on USA paperwork ( it is listed as Connors on some records and O'Connell on others).


Saturday 14th Feb 2015, 06:03PM

Message Board Replies

  • No record of anybody named Henry Charles Clark anywhere in Ireland in 1864 - 1868 in the statutory records.

    I doubt the presence or absence of the letter ?e? at the end of the surname has anything to do with possible English origins or a concern for the name being too English. In the 1800s people didn?t bother with the spelling of their surname. (Most of them were barely literate anyway, and weren?t going to worry too much about precise spelling). The idea of a single ?correct? version is very much a 20th century preoccupation. If searching the records, keep an open mind on the spelling. Expect it to vary, according to the whim of the person recording the information.

    There is just 1 Margaret Connors birth in Mallow in 1871, Vol 15, page 508. You can order a photocopy of the certificate from GRO Roscommon for ?4.

    You have to download and print off the form. Then either post or fax it back to them. You can?t e-mail it to them. However if you want them to e-mail the cert to back to you, they will do that, so tick the relevant box.

    Put the reference details on the form (anywhere). Don?t worry about leaving some boxes blank. As long as GRO have the location, name(s), year, quarter (where there is one), volume and page number they should find it.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 14th Feb 2015, 07:06PM
  • Ali:

    You posted in the Inch parish page. Do you have info that indicates that Henry came from that parish. Civil registration started in 1864 so if he was born in 1866, his birth should be civilly registered. The registration district for Inch parish is Midleton. However, when I checked the civil index records, the only Henry Clarke birth was in the Bantry registration district which would be in the southwest part of Co. Cork and away from the Midleton district.

    I also checked the Roots Ireland indexes and could not locate an 1866 baptismal record. The closest I could find was 1863 and the father was not Charles.

    Please advise.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 14th Feb 2015, 07:22PM
  • I figured I would post in Bantry, ( St. John's Parish) to see if anyone might know something of Henry.  Ihave been trying for such a long time to find any information on Henry. I have searched everywhere I can think of in Ireland to locate a schred of evidance on him, to no avail. I am sad at Henry & his wife Margarets story during my family, USA research.  Henry died in 1907 of a pulmonary hemorrhage, on his way to work, leaving his wife with 6 small children alone in this country.

    His wife drank to excess and spent time in mental hospitals as  it was just to overwhelming on her.  She eventially remarried another irishman here in USA.  She went on two lose both children she had, with her second husband. Their hopes for a better life in the USA did not happen.  I hope they were much loved by their families in Ireland, it would give me much peace to know that.

    My grandfather ( their son) never remembered his father, being a toddler at the time of his death. My mother took us to every Irish parade there was in Boston.  My grandfather was so proud to be of Irish decent and wanted us never to forget that. I am now trying to find my Irish roots to leave this story for my two grandchildren.

    God Bless you for your posts.


    Monday 16th Feb 2015, 07:37PM
  • Ali:

    Did you find the 1900 USA census record for the family? Can you forward?


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 16th Feb 2015, 08:46PM
  •  http://family


    Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, 02:33AM
  • Ali:

    Based on the age 38 in the 1900 census, I searched Roots Ireland for 1859-1865 and there were 10 Henry Clark(e) on Roots but none of them had a father named Charles. Of the 10, only one in 1862 and this Henry was baptized in Mayo with a father named Thomas. I also checked which has records for Kerry, part of Cork and Dublin city and did not find the record.

    There is no guarantee that he was 38 in 1900 and also Roots Ireland does not have all the parish records online.

    If you get any more clues let us know.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, 07:25PM

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