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Can anyone tell me when my Great Uncle Philip Gilmore who lived in Howth  died and where he is buried..

There are a number of Gilmore's buried  in St Fintans grave yard in Howth, but no mention of  Philip the father. Philip the son is buried in Howth. but not philip senior. I would love to know when and where he is buried.

Please help me.




Monday 30th Dec 2013, 01:30PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Heather, thanks for your message. I hope that someone is able to help you with this. However, it may make easier if there was some sort of time frame. Can you give any dates that would help establish one? Such as Philip Junior?s birth/death dates? A Are you looking at burials from the 19th or 20th century?

    Remember to post as much information as you can-the more you post the more likely it is that someone may be able to assist you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 18th Feb 2014, 01:30PM
  • Philip Gilmore was born about1865 in Northern Ireland, but later moved to Howth, North Dublin, He married Frances Angus, she died 1941, but Philip was still alive then, but I haven't got a date he died, and he isn't recorded as being buried in Howth, which all the rest of his family are buried, so does anyone know where he is buried, Couls it be where his parents were buried, which I don't know where that was. It may have been Portadown where I think Philip was born.

    Hope someone can help me.

    Regards, Heather


    Friday 21st Mar 2014, 07:52AM
  • Philip Gilmore was born about1865 in Northern Ireland, but later moved to Howth, North Dublin, He married Frances Angus, she died 1941, but Philip was still alive then, but I haven't got a date he died, and he isn't recorded as being buried in Howth, which all the rest of his family are buried, so does anyone know where he is buried, Couls it be where his parents were buried, which I don't know where that was. It may have been Portadown where I think Philip was born.

    Hope someone can help me.

    Regards, Heather


    Friday 21st Mar 2014, 07:52AM
  • Dear Heather

    I have included a link below of the graveyards in and around Howth: 

    If all else fails I think you should try to contact the parish secretary and see if they have a digital copy of burials in the old graveyard (some parishes do for ease of reference):

    There is a Philip Gilmore buried in Sutton but not the Philip you are looking for:

    Is Frances buried in Howth?

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Friday 21st Mar 2014, 09:38AM

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