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To: Taltyb. Rec'd alert re: your dec 27, 2012 post re: West Clare Talty's. I post under Puff. I can put you in touch with family trees that will help your search and one that is off-line (will contact her and ask what she wants to do) . Hold a considerable amount of Talty information from previous searches and contacts. If you will state what you are looking for be happy to respond or put you in touch with someone who can. A lot of road has been traveled to gather solid information. For a start go to and reference family trees. Two are deep in Talty information which covers Kilarboy. See Harper McCabe Family Tree and Obrien-Kilmurray both at, After you put in Peter Paul Talty re: family trees they should appear. Unable to contact you on this site as your general message not posted yet. If you do not belong to I can ask the owners if they want contact by direct e-mail.  Regards.

Friday 28th Dec 2012, 05:07PM

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    Wednesday 20th Feb 2013, 12:01PM

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