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Does anyone know anything about the family of Private Patrick FERGUSON who was born around 1795 in or near Kilnaboy, Ennis, County Clare?  He enlisted in 1813 in Ireland and served in the 44th Foot Regiment.  He served in the East Indies for about 11 years and served under Brigadier General Morrison in the Arracan Campaign. He was at the siege of Antwerp in 1814 and was reputedly engaged in personally protecting the colours from falling into the hands of the enemy.  He was present at the Battle of Waterloo where he received a gunshot wound to the thigh and was subsequently pensioned out of the military in 1835.  I have a year of death of around 1855 but have not been able to verify it.

Rather than waste anyone's time by giving me suggestions I have already tried, I have researched all the obvious places such as Clare Library, Chelsea Pension records, 44th Foot records etc.  What I am looking for now is any descendents or anyone who can tell me if there were any descendents.  I would also like to know the name of his parents/and or wife (if he married).  If he did marry it would have been after 1835.  I believe he returned to Ireland after leaving the army and died there, possibly in Clare as that is where he had been born.  He don't believe he received any promotions whilst serving in the military and was pensioned out as a Private.

I would be grateful for any additional information on this man.



Sunday 16th Feb 2014, 06:28AM

Message Board Replies

  • Good Afternoon

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and thanks for your message.

    Given the extensive research you have done so far, I assume you have checked or (a subscription site) for records of Patrick Ferguson, as well as the records at the National Archives, Kew?

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Friday 21st Mar 2014, 01:53PM
  • Yes, Clare, thanks.  I have his Military records and everything I can get from the usual places but nothing that tells me if he has descendants unfortunately.  Maybe something will crop up eventually.


    Friday 21st Mar 2014, 09:43PM
  • Morning

    I think as your case is very specific, it would be a good idea to contact a genealogist/researcher at or or

    Even a short consultation might be all that?s needed and could point you in the direction of some less obvious sources. Once you have gathered as much information as you can, please contact us again as our volunteer numbers are growing all the time and we may be able to link you with someone in the area.

    Best of luck

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 24th Mar 2014, 08:58AM
  • Further information now at hand shows a Patrick Ferguson's death at Ballyshannon at 1865. Can anyone supply any more information on this event please. Still trying to discover who his parents and wife were and if he had any descendants.


    Tuesday 6th Jan 2015, 03:37AM
  • Happy New Year!

    Have you managed to find a civil death record for Patrick?


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 6th Jan 2015, 03:14PM

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