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Hi I am trying to find out where my Great grandfather Edward Lawler is buried he died on the 28th December 1922 and the newspaper cutting says he died in Kiltegan County Wicklow and address given is Humewood , I know he was a coachman at Humewood for many years Ialso know that he lived in a place called Lynn Belvidere westmeath with his wife Mary-Jane Lawler and their 6+children I have found this in the 1901 and 1911 census, they had 1 son also called Edward who we believe died quite young, I also know that they had an oldest daughter also called Mary Jane who worked as a housemaid in a house called The Grange Wicklow. I am hoping to find the location of his grave if any, I have viewed some photographs of headstones in Kiltegan church but can not see his. Any advice you can offer would  be gratefully recieved. I have tried several websites and church information sites but am at a dead end. Some of his daughters stayed in Ireland but my grandmother came to England before he died and his widow came to England to live after his death. Myown mother is 86 now hence me trying to find the gravestone s oI can visit it. Again thank you for any advice helpyou can give. Mrs Janet Heasman

Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 08:11PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Janet,

    Thanks for your message. I hope that someone from the area contacts you and helps you to find Edwards gravestone.

    In the meantime, according to the Irish Times website there are transcriptions from Kiteagan graveyard available in the National Library of Ireland.

    Here is the NLI?s website:

    These transcriptions have been digitised and are available online, unfortunately however you have to subscribe to view the records. if this is something you are willing to do here is the link:


    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 3rd Dec 2013, 04:03PM
  • HI I now know for sure that Edward Lawler was buried on the 30th December 1922 in The church of Ireland church in Kiltegan, so if anyone at anytime can see if there is still a headstone or ever was originally that would be fantastic, anyone local to Kiltegan?  Thank you Janet Heasman

    Saturday 18th Jan 2014, 04:42PM
  • Hi I now know that My Great Grandfather Edward Lawler was definately buried at St Peters church Kiltegan on the 30th December 1922 2 daysafter he died I do not know if he had a headstone, if he does not, is there anyway of finding out where his burial plot would have been located in the church yard?

    Any help appreciated Janet heasman

    Sunday 26th Jan 2014, 01:55PM

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