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francis craven married cath conley 1836 sons patrick 1838 james 1846 nicholas francis twins 1845 john 1849 margaret1853 peter1857 oldbridge drogheda meath  is any one searching these names i have many more later and earlier

Friday 27th Jun 2014, 07:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Doreen

    I have not noticed anyone searching that name on this site but you can search the site under the name.

    I searched the local phone book and there are 9 Craven's in County Louth including 2 in Oldbridge. I would place Tulllyallen in Louth rather than Meath but there is not a lot beteen them at that point.

    Here is a site of all things Louth and there are numerous Craven hits and Conley in Tullalley in the Militia in 1806. The Conley name only comes back once in Dublin in the phone book.

    See and and this is the nearest local site I know of.

    I answer questions around Drogheda which is the nearest large town and I will assist in anyway if able in case you wish to follow up.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 27th Jun 2014, 08:44PM
  • Doreen


    another question on Craven just came in from the UK. See Searching Past Family.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 27th Jun 2014, 09:01PM
  • hi my grandfather francis craven came from drogheda 1 north rd parents john and mary kane 8 children 2 going to america my grandad england  4 youngest girls died the only one we have no info about is james born 8 4 1873 we know johns father to be francis married cath conley in 1836 in oldbridge 5 sons 1 daughter not much info on these?please reply back if you are able to help in these seaches regards doreen

    Sunday 29th Jun 2014, 08:17AM
  • Hello!

    My great, great grandfather Joseph Craven was born in Drogheda in 1865.  His father was Nicholas Craven, also from Oldbridge.  Joseph came over to the U.S. around 1882.  I am very determined to find more information on the Cravens from Ireland.  The post on this site about Nicholas Craven and his father, Francis Craven is the first I have seen and was so exciting to read!  I am having a little trouble distinguishing between Nicholas' siblings and his children, as I think I may have some overlap. I think it reads that Nicholas Craven was born in 1845 and was a twin?  And the last name of both his mother and his wife were both Connelly?  Any further information that can be provided would be so helpful!

    Thank you,

    Rebecca (Craven) Racine


    Sunday 17th Jun 2018, 08:35PM

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