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My great great grandparents James and Mary Walsh (Doran) immigrated to America with thier son, Nicholas Joseph in 1880.  Lived lived on Maudlin Street. James and Mary were marreid on 12 November 1868.  Witnessess were William Murphy and Catherine Kavanagh.  Mary's father was Thomas Doran.

James' father was Nicholas.  Nicolas Walsh marreid Mary Bryne on 10 February 1834.  They resided on Chapel lane.  Other than James who was the oldest and born on 22 January 1835, there were six other siblings.  I am trying to trace these siblings and see if any remained in Ireland and if I still have family in Thomastown.   

Mary Walsh, baptized 23 July 1837; 

Martha, bapstized 21 November 1840;

Catherine Walsh, baptized 12-March 1843;

Thomas Walsh baptized 19-December 1850;

Johanna Walsh, baptized 15 May 1853 and

Mary Walsh baptized 5 July 1857.

Any help tracing the remaining family in Thomastown will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely -

Maureen Walsh

Thursday 12th Sep 2013, 04:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Maureen:

    If you have not done so already, you may want to look at the National Archives census site.  I was looking for a Thomas Walsh in Thomastown in case he did not emigrate. I did find one record on Saw St. where the head of household was Thomas age 48.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 12th Sep 2013, 05:14PM
  • Hi Maureen,

    I have Walshes from Kilkenny that I am trying to trace.  My GGGfather was called Patrick Walsh and he was born sometime around 1820. He married Elizabeth Doyle in the early 1840s and settled in Carlow. Do you have any information on your James Walsh as far as siblings are concerned? Maybe they were brothers?


    Maribeth Nolan

    Monday 16th Sep 2013, 01:42PM
  • Hi Maribeth -

    Kilkenny is Walsh central.  Our common ancester was an Norman Knight, Thomas FitzAnthony Walsh, who came over with Strongbow.  This was during the reign of the English king, Henry II. Thomas FitzAnthony Walsh founded Thomastown on the banks of the river Nore. 

    My great great grandfather James did have siblings but no Patricks.  He had a brother named Thomas.  

    We do have a Patrick in my family.  Patrick was my gggrandfather James' uncle.  James' father, Nicholas had an number of siblings, one of whom was named Patrick.  He was born much earlier though, in 1799.  

    I worked with the local family history center in Kilkenny to get this information.  I've been searching for my gg grandfather, James and his son, Nicholas, for 20 some years.  Finally found them the last time I went to Kilkenny by using the genealogy services at the Rothe House.  They were very very helpful.

    Good luck finding your family.  And who knows, I bet you that somehow, we're related.  




    Monday 16th Sep 2013, 01:54PM

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