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I am trying to find out the history of Robin Hood Cottage. I am not familiar with it but understand that it is a Home and Garden Centre. Could someone please tell me if it was a house that existed in 1921? Is there an area where this cottage is located that would have been known as Robinhood.

I am interested as I am trying to trace Mary Reynolds who had a baby girl in a workhouse in Dublin and listed 'where from?' as Robinhood on the workhouse records. She had the baby in 1921 when she was 25. She lists the father as John Burke and stated that he was interned in Spike Island at this time. She also states that she was 'married of' Michael so I am presuming that Michael was her father. 

I have checked the census for 1901 and 1911 and there are no Reynolds families listed in this area so perhaps she may have worked there or was related to someone there. Maybe John Burke was from this area?

I am also checking out a townland known as Robinhood or Cloonlish near Ballinlough but with little success.

Would there be anyone local who would have a good genealogy head on them that might be able to help me?


Kind regards,


Ann Marie Fair

ann marie

Saturday 20th Jul 2013, 12:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Ann Marie:

    I'm not local but I do have an OS map of the area and Cloonlish/Robinhood townland is about 3-4 miles east of Ballinlough. See map of Kiltullagh civil parish below. I can't help you with the cottage.

    Roger McDonnell



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 20th Jul 2013, 02:16PM
  • Ann Marie:

    There were a few Reynolds families in Kiltullagh parish. I looked at the 1901 censu and found a Michael Reynolds in Meelickroe townland which is about 3 miles south of Ballinlough (still in Kiltullagh). He had a daughter named Mary Anne who was 1 in 1901 fairly close to the age you are looking for.




    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 20th Jul 2013, 02:26PM
  • Hi Roger,


    Thank you for your email.

    I had managed to locate that townland and have been able to eliminate that particular Mary Reynolds from my research as her niece could fill me in on her history. I am still looking into that area though in the hope something else comes to light. There are 2 young children 'boarding' with the Swannick family in Cashlieve (beside Robinhood) and their surname is Reynolds. I have requested the birth cert for one of these children.

    It was only by speaking to locals in that area that they mentioned Robin Hood Cottage near Donamon/Dunamon and so I was hoping to track down a local who would be familiar with that area but it does not look like the Reynolds name is familiar to this area.

    Thanks again for all your help,


    Ann Marie

    ann marie

    Saturday 20th Jul 2013, 06:50PM
  • A star's life starts with the gravitational failure of a gaseous nebula of material consisting mainly of hydrogen, along with helium and track amounts of bulkier components. Once the outstanding primary is completely heavy, hydrogen becomes continuously turned into helium through atomic mixture, launching power in the process.The rest of the star's internal provides power away from the primary through a mixture of radiative and convective procedures. Buy Robin Hood Sword

    Wednesday 11th Dec 2013, 05:13AM
  • Ann Marie,


    i live in Donamon and i have never heard of Robinhood cottage but i will do some research for you and let you know as soon as i have anything






    Monday 12th May 2014, 04:14PM
  • Ann Marie


    i live in Donamon but i have never heard of Robinhood house i will do some research for you and let you know if i discover anythings





    Monday 12th May 2014, 04:15PM

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