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I am interested in the Fenlon/Fenelon family in the Myshall area. Would love to hear if anybody else on this site is .



Friday 17th Jul 2015, 03:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jenny:

    Welcome to ireland Reaching Out!

    I alerted our parish liaison in Myshall parish of your message. Is there any information on your family you are looking for in particular? 

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 17th Jul 2015, 04:07PM
  • Hi my name is Paul Fenlon my family lived in a small village Kildavin about six miles from Myshall i can go back as far as 1832 with my ggg/grandad Edward Fenelon he married a lady called Ctherine Kinsella they had forur children Anne Mary Edward and my gg/grandad William Fenelon William was in Liverpool on the Census and he married a lady called Margaret Corcorran when William came to Liverpool the name changed in translation to Fenlon can anyone help with any conections please i have visited Kildaven and Myshall also been to the Priests Parish house in Clonegal and was given the date of my gg/grandads baptism detail by father Flemming thanks Paul Fenlon

    Monday 9th Nov 2015, 12:26PM
  • Hi Paul. I think we may be connected but at the moment not sure how. I am really busy over the next few days but will then get back to my notes and see what I have. Did your Edward die in 1926?  I have copy of an MI in Drumpha that I am having trouble fitting in without more facts. You may have my answers! Even if not we may well be able to fill some gaps. There are so many Fenlon family groups around.

    In my family some of us spell Fenlon with the extra  'e' and some don't.(yes even in 2015 we cant make up our minds!)

    I tried to send a reply just now but it disappeared into a black hole so I apologize if this is coming through twice.

    Best wishes. Jenny


    Monday 9th Nov 2015, 02:12PM
  •  Hi. Sorry about the time it has taken to reply. I have been hunting through my files to see if there is any mention of Edward Fenelon born about 1832. I am sorry to say I have come up with a blank. I remember I did some research for somebody else who's Fenelon family emigrated to Liverpool but it was a Michael Fenlon. and they settled in Widnes.

    What other information do you have? Which census was it that you found them on in Liverpool? Have you any clue as to where they went when they first left Ireland?. Often families started their new lives with or very near family who had already made the move. 

    Below I have transcribed a MI from Drumpha Churchyard. Could the Edward be yours??? Long shot but he is the only one I can not find any other info on. I think the father Michael Martin could possibly be the brother to my GGGrandfather Thomas Fenlon born about 1849 but have not found any proof so it is probably wishful thinking!

    In Loving Memory of
    Martin Michael Fenelon
    Died 1937
    His wife Mary Fenelon
    Nee Kavanagh died 1911
    Also their children
    Bridget Sr Corona
    Died 1945
    Interred in San Antonio Texas
    John died 1970
    Interred in Dover England
    Edward died 1926
    Jane Mary died 1983
    Interred in Cleburne Texas
    Rest in Peace

    Just out of interest and in case the names mean anything to you here are a few more from my family. TRACEY, COSGRAVE, FLEMMING.

    Sorry not to be more positive. I look forward to hearing from you. Jenny




    Thursday 26th Nov 2015, 02:59PM

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