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Hello, I'm looking for information on Ellen Hennessey born c 1862, daughter of William Hennessey and Bridget Maher.  Ellen left Ireland for Australia and arrived in Brisbane 24 May 1881 aboard Zamora.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Friday 22nd May 2015, 02:37AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kathleen
    I searched for Ellen and for parents William & Bridget but no luck.
    I could not find them in the Tithe Applotments, Irishgenealogy or the 1851 Irish Census.
    Griffiths Valuation has 3 Hennesseys in Tipperary South Riding which is where Mullinahone is.(free at
    None of the trees on ancestry has any more info than you have given so I'm afraid I've drawm a blank on this one Kathleen sorry.
    Maybe the Mullinahone liaison people (find my parish above) will be able to help.

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 22nd May 2015, 08:32AM
  • Kathleen:

    Mullinahone RC church is part of the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly. Records for that Archdiocese with a few exceptions are not available on Roots. Looks like Ellen was born right before civil registration started in 1864.

    On July 8th the National Library of Ireland is placing all RC parish registers online for free searching. I would wait until then and search the Mullinahone records for Ellen and any siblings.

    Like Col, I looked at the Griffiths and it is likely the Hennessey family lived in Modeshil (Ayre) townland in Modeshil civil parish. The RC church for Modeshil is Mullinahone. See link below.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 22nd May 2015, 03:21PM
  • Thank you Col and Roger, I appreciate your help. I have exhausted all the avenues to date and hope that the Library records may be the break through I'm looking for. When I was in Ireland in 2010, a friend phoned the Mullinahone parish priest and he was able to find some Hennesseys in that time frame but not my lot unfortunately. I'm ever hopeful that I will eventually break down this brick wall.

    Kind regards
    Kath Swepson

    Friday 22nd May 2015, 03:50PM

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