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I am visiting the area in early July 2015 and would love to see where my great grandparents were married, I believe it was Tullyallen 21st Dec 1863 Thomas Reilly born 1839 died in Dundee Scotland 31st July 1895 and Margaret McAvoy (or McEvoy) born 1843 (I think) also died in Dundee Scotland 3rd Jan 1876.  The census shows them living at "house 17 Mellifont Monasterboice"  Is this somewhere which is still in existence?   I would love to find out motpre about them then I can go on to my great great grandparents Thomas Reilly (no details as yet) and Ellen Hogg, possibly born 1821 died 1873.  Other great great grandparents Thomas McAvoy(or McEvoy) and Alice Calligan no deatils at all as yet.  Any help or information at all wold be very much appreciated.


Thursday 21st May 2015, 07:05PM

Message Board Replies

  • In the 1800s houses in rural Ireland had no numbers. (In many areas that's still the arrangement to this day). The townland was/is sufficient to get a letter delivered and no other identifying information was/is needed. The numbering system in the censuses was simply the enumerator?s own private system and does not relate to any postal address nor tell you where the property was. The numbers vary between the censuses because a new enumerator had a different system. So, in this case, house 17 in 1901 is almost certainly house 6 in 1911. (The occupants hadn?t moved). The enumerators records have not survived and so there? s no way of ascertaining which house was where from census records.

    To locate the house with any accuracy today, you need to look up the revaluation records in the Valuation Office in Dublin.  That should tell you what plot number the Reilly house was. You can then go to Griffiths Valuation and locate that plot on their on-line maps. See:

    The property was near the modern L5604 minor road but, as I say, you need a plot number and Griffith?s valuation maps to find it with any accuracy.

    In 1854 there were two John Reilly properties in Mellifont. (Plots 1 and 13a). Could be a relation. Without the valuation records it?s hard to say whether either is the property your family were in in 1901.

    Unless someone on this site happens to known the townland very well, I doubt it would be possible to say whether the property is still there without going there to find out.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Thursday 21st May 2015, 07:51PM
  • Elspeth:

    The marriage was in the Drogheda RC church. Unfortunately, they were married days before civil registration started which would have provided the names of the fathers and where the bride and groom lived when married.

    I looked at the 1901 census you located. The civil parish was Tullyallen. Monasterboice was the DED or District Electoral Division. Monasterboice civil parish is just to the north of the larger Tullyallen civil parish. Both parishes are close to the Co. Meath border.

    Roger McDonnell

    Church Marriage Record
    Date of Marriage: 26-Dec-1863
    Parish / District: DROGHEDA County: Co. Louth
    Husband Wife
    Name: Thomas Reily Margt McEvoy
    Denomination: Roman Catholic Roman Catholic
    Status: Not Married Not Married
    Husband's Father Wife's Father
    Name: Reily McEvoy
    Husband's Mother Wife's Mother
    Witness 1 Witness 2
    Name: Patrick Collin Mary McEvoy

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 21st May 2015, 08:34PM
  • Thank you so much for your reply, as I am coming to the area for a week in July I will make a visit to the Valuation Office and see what I can find.  Either way, you have given me enough information to at least know I will be in the correct area, so grateful.  I will leave a post when I return with an update.

    best Wishes


    Friday 22nd May 2015, 07:04AM
  • Thank you for your reply, typical of my family not to make things easy!!!!!

    If the Drogheda Church is still in use then I will pay a visit in July when I am over.  Thanks for your help, I will post again if I get any further.


    Best Wishes


    Friday 22nd May 2015, 07:11AM
  • Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 22nd May 2015, 03:49PM

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