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Hello - 

I am seeking information regarding my 2x great grandparents, Jeremiah Casey and Ellen Minogue.  This is what I know about them:

Jeremiah Casey: born about 1846, father was Patrick Casey of Magherabaun (from marriage certificate and Griffith's vaulation), married Ellen in 1878, residence was Magherabaun on both 1901 and 1911 censuses, died sometime after Sept. 20, 1920, as we have his last will and testament.  He had 4 living children at the time of the will's writing: Patrick (my great grandfather) who emigrated to America, Michael, who also emigrated, James and Mary Ellen.  James and Mary Ellen presumably stayed in Ireland, but I have been unable to determine what became of them.  I have searched the index records but cannot pinpoint which records may pertain to them.  I have also been unable to locate a conclusive death index record for Jeremiah.  The index record that most closely matches his birth year and has a death date later than 1920 is from the registration district of Cahersiveen, which seems to me a bit far from where he presumably lived at the time.  Per his will, the farm was left to my great grandfather, Patrick, who was here in the US.  My dad tells me that when Patrick (his grandfather) died, he remembers his father and uncles making a phone call to Ireland to grant their interests in the farm to their cousin James.  I would think this would have been the son of the brother who stayed.

Ellen Minogue: born about 1861, father was James Minogue of Dromore (marriage certificate and Griffith's valuation), married Jeremiah in 1878, residence was Dromore on marriage certificate.  Residence was Magherabaun on both 1901 and 1911 censuses.  The 1911 census showed that the marriage produced 7 children in total, with 4 still living at the time.  One of the deceased was listed on the 1901 census, but the other 2 must have died before then.  I have not been able to locate a birth or baptism record for Ellen.  There was an Ellen Minogue registered in Scariff in 1864, but I determined that it could not have been the same person, as when I searched for possible siblings, the addresses were Cappabaughn and Sheen.  I also looked through the transcriptions of Feakle parish baptisms, but could not find her name nor her father's.  Her estimated birth date is close enough to the beginning of the records, that if it was off by a year or two, she wouldn't be in there.  Again, a death index record has also eluded me for Ellen.  We know she was alive as of 1920, since she was mentioned in her husband's will.  Jeremiah's will also mentioned that she was to receive the proceeds of another man's will, a James Holohan, stone mason of Glandree.  I do not know if he was any relation or not.  The death index record that most closely matches her birth year and has a death year of 1938 was registered in Corofin.  That seems geographically plausible, but it is difficult for me to really have a sense of where all these places are, even with the magic of Google maps!

If anyone has any ideas of how I can find out more information about Jeremiah and Ellen's families (parents, siblings, or descendants of their children and nieces/nephews), I would be most grateful to hear them!


Megan Z. (nee Casey)

PS - I have attached the most likely death index records I could find.  Am I on the right track?


Thursday 30th Apr 2015, 04:38AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Megan:

    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out. 

    I attach the link to the Clare County Library website for your reference:…; In addition, they have a lot of other material that may help you find the Caseys and the Minogues.

    There are three headstone inscriptions in the Feakle graveyard that you can view through the Library website.  They appear to be the two families that you are looking for.  The Casey Family is one inscription, Joe Minogue & Denis O'Grady are another inscription, and a Dan & Bridget Minogue are the third inscription.  You can look through them by townland as Dromore is mentioned in the column on the right as you scroll down. 

    In addition, the Calendars of Wills is available through the National Archives, and this may shed some light as to who took out probate.  You will have to look through years from 1922, which can be a little bit cumbersome, but may be worthwhile. 

    I believe that I may know of the family or someone with more information for you.  I will make inquiries and you might email me at: whenever you get the chance.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 5th May 2015, 07:16PM
  • Dear Jane,

    Thank you for your reply!  I will email you shortly.



    Wednesday 6th May 2015, 12:14AM
  • Hi Megan! 

    1861 is a bit late for Ellen's birth... That is probably coming from the 1901 census where she is shown as 40 years old.  But in the 1911 census she is 59, which would put the birth year at about 1852!  A big difference, but not unheard of.  I have seen a several big age jumps on other people between the two census.  

    You unfortunately are not likely to find the birth record because as you know we only have Feakle from 1860. 

    But I can see the death record in the civil records:  Registered 1924-04-24 in Maugherbaun, 72 years, widow of farmer Jeremiah Casey.  Son James present at death.  

    I will send you a snip on your email! 

    Kindest regards





    Sunday 27th May 2018, 06:24PM
  • HI there


    i came across this post while researching magherabaun and the caseys -   I currently live in the caseys house - bought from sean casey who was the nephew of  james and michael casey - sons of ellen and jerry casey 

    I bought the house in 1995 and it had been empty since 1977 which is when i presume james ( or michael ) casey died and past on the house to sean.

    Ellen casey remained in the old family home across the road,  ( which still remains as ruins )  -  when this house was built in 1929 ..    at some point in the 1920"s i believe the road was put into magherabaun and that is when the two houses became seperated  - interestingly also splitting the ' fairy fort ' which is marked as a monument in this area.

    I am intersted to find old maps or any other information that shows when the road was put in to magherabaun if anyone can help


    kind regards





    katherine kay

    Sunday 13th Mar 2022, 12:51PM
  • PS - re reading your above correspondance actually - i am now a bit confused as i believed Ellen to have survived later than the building of this current house which i believed to be 1929 - and i can see from you above info that you have places Ellens death record as 1924 ..

    if there is any other infomation you could pass on i would be mnost grateful


    katherine kay

    Sunday 13th Mar 2022, 12:54PM
  • hi there again - i realise now i have the casey families mixed up - and the family i am interested in is actually james and winifred casey - 6 children . house number 21 and 19 - not sure which was the older and which the new though -

    it was the grandmother of james and winfred that stayed in the old house after the road ws put through - possibly 1880 - but am still trying to clarify this date and also when the ' new ' house was built 


    any help appreciated



    katherine kay

    Wednesday 16th Mar 2022, 01:46PM
  • Hi Julia:

    I have just seen this message and I also have the message to the Tulla email address.  I will reply to you today.  Apologies for the delay.


    All the best,



    Jane H, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 18th Apr 2022, 11:35AM
  • Hello Julia,

    I am very excited to learn of your connection to any of the Magherabaun Caseys!  I am the OP of this thread, and my Caseys were the cousins of the Caseys about whom you are seeking information.  I do have a public tree viewable on Ancestry wtih all the information I was able to gather regarding the family, which admittedly is not much beyond what was available in vital records and census records.  My great grandfather came to the US in 1907, and he died in 1966.  At the time of his death, he still held some sort of interest in the land.  My dad remembers his dad placing a phone call to Ireland, which was a big deal in those days.  His dad was on the main extension downstairs, and his two uncles shared the extension upstairs so that all could participate in the conversation.  He knows that they were talking to a James Casey, letting him know that they wanted to pass their father's interest in the land to him.  I would love to be able to make contact with any descendants of this James, or any of his relatives, and add those details to my tree.  It has been exceedingly difficult trying to locate any Casey descendants from that branch!   Please feel free to email me at mzep824 at gmail dot com if you would like the information that I have, or if you have any that you would be willing to share with me.  

    Take care,



    Friday 22nd Apr 2022, 04:26PM

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