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  I am looking for any information regarding my family in Tyrone in the castlederg, Killeter areas.  The spelling of the last name has changed many times as it was typically spelled phonetically.  We are now spelling it Kneeland.  My Great grandfatehr John spelled it Neilins on his marriage license.  It has also been spelled Nylan and Kneighlan or neighlan.  john's father was William Nylan who married Mary Dolan.  William was born in Castlederg in 1802 and died in 1907.  He was featured in an Irish paper shortly before his death due to his living more than 100 years.  He married mary Dolan , his second wife in 1852.  I do not have much more information on them than this.  I know they had a son John, my great Grandfather born  between 1865 and 1871, and a daughter Margaret born around 1867. John and Margaret emigrated to the US around 1889.  There was at least one additional son who emigrated to America, but I do not have his name.  

   If anyone has any information on this family I would love to hear it.  I would be very interested in reconnecting with any living relation.  Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Mary B. coates

Wednesday 29th Apr 2015, 03:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Mary:

    Here is the 1901 census record for the family living in Creeduff townland in Termonamongan civil parish. Surname was Knilands.…

    William was living with two unmarried daughters: Alice and Annie.

    Alice and Annie were living in the same townland in 1911. Surname was Knielands.

    Roger McDonnell…

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 29th Apr 2015, 03:31PM
  • Here?s a couple of probate abstracts taken from the PRONI website:

    Knilands Alice of Creeduff county Tyrone spinster died 21 April 1940 Administration W/A Londonderry 29 July to Daniel Macauley solicitor. Effects ?34 17s. 6d. Limited Grant

    Administration of the Estate of the late John James Knilans, Creeduff, Castlederg, Co. Tyrone, Farmer, who died 16 February 1915, granted at Londonderry 16 December 1920 to George Gregory Knilans, Farmer, the brother. Effects: ?36.

    Neither probate file is on-line but the papers should be held in PRONI in Belfast. Both seem to have died intestate.

    Griffiths Valuation for 1859 records William Nelans farming on plot 4 which was a house, outbuildings and just over 20 acres. That farm to day is on the Woodside Rd, at the junction with the Riverview Road. Nearby on plots 9 & 10, in 1859, was a Gregory Neelans, who given that the name features in your family too, is likely to be a relation.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 3rd May 2015, 07:49AM
  • hi, I am Pam Neilands descended from Andrew Neilands, also spelt Neelands, Knilands, Neilans etc. He was born abt 1787, I have the year somewhere, and lived in Ardstaw Parish,  but his son Robert lived in Terma and married Elza Clarke, dau of Samuel Clarke of Gortnagross (and Jane Andrews) in 1845. I believe Robert may have died and Eliza remarried Matthew Brown but I have to confirm with new marriage cert. I have done a good study, and we believe Roberts brother may be Samuel Neilands, and they had a brother Andrew too. Please say hello. Look forward to hearing from you ( I am in Oz)

    Pam Neilands

    Monday 17th Oct 2016, 06:48AM
  • Hi Pam Neilands

    I recognise that your original email was more than 4 years ago but if you're still interested I can help with some details of the Neilands family of Derrygoon, Ardstraw.

    Andrew Neilands was my maternal gggf. I believe he was born abt 1781. Died 1866. I haven't been able to find any details of his wife(s). 

    His son Samuel Neilands was my ggf (b. 1824, d. 1906). Andrew Neilands (born 1828) referred to as Samuel's half-brother. I have Robert Neilands (1827-1896) as Samuel's brother.

    Look forward to hearing from you


    Bill Kelso

    Friday 7th May 2021, 03:45PM
  • Hi Bill, thanks for replying. I have learned a lot more since my last post. Firstly, where did you find Robert as a brother,I am curious?

    Pam Neilands

    Saturday 8th May 2021, 01:26AM
  • Mary, I know quite a bit about William. He is in the 1841.51 census fragments with his first wife and children, and her maiden name is mentioned. I belive his father is Gregory,, would have to check his second wife marriage cert. I have been contacted ny descendants, at least one has made up some kind of tree. Another one was adopted  by those 2 sisters above. I am not sure how he is related to my Andrew

    Pam Neilands

    Saturday 8th May 2021, 01:34AM
  • Pam

    Information source from Ancestry for Andrew Neilands 1828-1906…

    However a bit of further interrogation reveals a number of discrepencies so Samuel and Andrew may be brothers rather than half-brothers. The problem is there's no information on their father Andrew Neilands senior's spouse/spouses. 

    I've emailed the lady who posted the information on Ancestry querying the information. Will let you know if I get a reply


    Bill Kelso

    Tuesday 18th May 2021, 03:34PM
  • Indeed, the location is ARDSTRAW, rather than ARDSTAW.

    However, I believe Ardstraw in within Cappagh Parish  (RC), rather than being Parish name.

    I am pleased to read the string of spelling variants, as this has been a personal theory, hitherto under development.

    In terms of DNA-identified cousins, I have 2, with surname NEELON. Can I add this variant to the list?


    Wednesday 19th May 2021, 01:04PM
  • Andrew Sr Lived at Derrygoon which is within Ardstraw Civil Parish.


    Pam Neilands

    Sunday 17th Oct 2021, 11:35PM
  • Bill  Kelso, I am unable to see the tree you mentioned about Andrew as I am not currently subscribed to ancestry. This Andrew Junior lived at Donegal, right?

    I had previosly ruled him out as being a son of this Andrew because I did another search of Donegal records for any other Andrew Neilands Sr that could be his father and thought I found one. However on re- searching I cannot find this mystery Andrew Sr in Donegal so you could be right. What I do know is that Samuel had a brother John and yes you are right, a brother Robert, who is my ancestor. I proved this through piecing together records and I am 100% certain. This Robert was born about the same time as John, about 1815, may even be twins. I know their birth year through Roberts marrage cert and Johns widow Elizabeths Will giving his year of death, and therefore I found out his age through death certificate. , John and Elizabeth lived at Derrygoon near your Samuel. Brother Robert died young about1854, and Eliza remarreid, He did not live at Derrygoon, but at Woodside, however in later years his son Robert went to live with Johns widow Elizabeth, and is in the 1901 census as her nephew. When he died, he was buried back at St Bestius, where Robert and Eliza married. My Roberts father is also listed as Andrew.on marriage cert. 

    So the question is, when did this Andrew Jr birn and died. Is there a deat cert giving his age? 

    This is important to me confirming this Anfrew as a brother. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks very much, Pam


    Pam Neilands

    Sunday 17th Oct 2021, 11:57PM
  • Bill Kelso I have found that record. Abdrew Jr marriage cert lines up with this tithe applotment book, however he is too uung to be in thee I think, as this is 1833.. So now we have 2 Andrew Neelands Sr, one at Derrygoon


    Pam Neilands

    Wednesday 22nd Jun 2022, 03:09PM

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