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Through I found my 8th great grandfather, Patrick Bartley, who was born in Sligo, Ireland in 1796.  I found out that the surname Bartley is derived from the Scottish name McFarland.  No matter where/how I look, I can't find anything about Patrick's parents -  church records etc, in order to find the family line that goes back to Scotland.  This has very quickly become an obsession for me.  If there is ANYONE who can help me with this, you would have my absolute gratitude and I would ask that many Irish blessings would come your way.  Thank you so much!!  Theresa Rousseu

Friday 17th Apr 2015, 06:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Theresa
    Have you tried
    I couldn't find a Sligo record but these are from that site:
    6 matches for the search criteria: Bartley (plus variants) Patrick 1786-1806
    First Page
    Page: 1 of 1

    Action Source Surname First Name Year County
    View Church Baptism Bartly Patrick 1797 Co. Longford
    View Church Baptism McParlan Patrick 1795 Co. Cavan
    View Church Baptism Parlan Patrick 1795 Co. Roscommon
    View Church Baptism MacParlan Patrick 1791 Co. Galway
    View Church Baptism McPharlan Patrick 1788 Co. Louth
    View Church Baptism MacParalan Patrick 1786 Co. Cavan

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 17th Apr 2015, 08:21PM
  • I thank you very much for your reply.  If $$$ allows I will look up the site you suggested.

    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 03:53AM
  • I can send you the records if you like.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 09:32AM
  • Yes, please do.  Our e-mail address is

    Just to clear something up, it is Gerry's name on the account, since it was his name on the credit card, but it's me, Theresa, who is doing the research.  I'm hoping to find everything I can as I want to present a double family tree to my folks for their anniversary at the end of May.  Any help would be very appreciated.  Cheers!

    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 05:41PM





    Church Baptism Record

    Name:Patrick BartlyDate of Birth:

    Date of Baptism:02-Apr-1797Address:Not RecordedParish/District:GRANARDGender:MaleCountyCo. Longford

    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:Michael BartlyMother:Mary DininOccupation:Not Recorded

    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:Margaret FarrellSponsor 2 /


    Informant 2:Not Recorded



    © Copyright Longford Genealogy


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 09:17PM


    Church Baptism Record

    Name:Patrick McParlanDate of Birth:

    Date of Baptism:17-Apr-1795Address:VirginiaParish/District:LURGANGender: MaleCountyCo. Cavan

    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:Miles McParlanMother:Brigid MonachanOccupation:

    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:Michael FarrellySponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:Mary Burke
    © Copyright Cavan Genealogy


    Theresa I'm travelling so on the iPad which is not as easy.

    One at a time I'm afraid!

    I assume McParlan was a form of Bartley; if not there's only 1 correct record


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 09:30PM
  • THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!  I think I scared my kids when I screamed in excitement!!!  This is huge for me!  Thank you so much!!!!!

    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 09:36PM

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