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Looking for any info on Bridget Scanlon born in Ireland -father listed as Jas (James)Scanlon-mother - Mary, Married James Conlin also from Ireland. Bridget died in Massachusetts Dec 20 - they married in MAss. May 3rd 1865 James Conlin's parents were James Conlin and Mary McLoughlin (Conlin is also spelled Conlon) James Died in Mass august 27. Any help or advice? I have heard they were from the county Clare but I am stuck and unable to find crossing to USA or anything except they settled in Milford Mass. Thank you!

Wednesday 18th Mar 2015, 11:14AM

Message Board Replies

  • Kim:

    Likely the couple met in Massachusetts since Conlan/Conlon/Conlin is not found in great numbers in the Clare/Cork/Kerry/Limerick area where you mostly find Scanlan/Scanlon.

    I searched the Roots Ireland indexes ( they have very few Co. Clare church records) and found an 1844 bridget Scanlan/Scanlon baptismal record upi in Co. Sligo with parents James and Mary. There are Conlin/Conlon/Conlans up in Co. Sligo so I may have to retract my prior statement about where they met.

    In any event, I don't know if the record I found is for your ancestor.Have you searched Ancestry for the 1870 and 1880 census to see what info is there? Do you have an obituary or death record for the couple where there may be clues about where in Ireland?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 18th Mar 2015, 04:46PM

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