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A Mr & Mrs Buckley left Southampton on board the "Tartar" for South Africa, Algoa Bay on 17/12/1885. With them were 3 Misses Buckley, i.e. JK; HT and LI.

I know my g grandfather came to South Africa with his sisters. He worked in an hotel in East London,  Eastern Cape (where they had landed).

By 1904 he was in Kimberley, Cape, and also in or owning an hotel. He and his sisters were devote Catholics. My gran (born in South Africa 1904), said they had come from Co. Kerry.

Trusting to hear something


Saturday 14th Mar 2015, 11:03AM

Message Board Replies

  • Wendy:

    I assume that since you did not include the information that you don't have any first names or dates of birth for the family. The only suggestion I would have is to visit which is a free Irish government site. That site has Co. Kerry RC church records and possibly you can find some leads for your family.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 14th Mar 2015, 12:23PM
  • Hi Wendy, Roger has named the first port of call for you. Do you have their first names?

    Warm wishes


    Wednesday 17th Jun 2015, 12:02PM

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