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  • anne caldon Birth: abt 1859 - Cork, Ireland  , fathers name timothy caldon , mother anyna caldon ??

Monday 9th Mar 2015, 10:23AM

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  • Where in the world did your Annie end up ?

    You can often find details on place of birth from Census returns, immigration record etc, depends on the location

    EDIT : there's a marriage showing on FreeBMD around the right timeframe for an Annie Caldon in Wales in 1880 - if this your Anne ?

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 01:08PM
  • One of the possible grooms for that 1880 marriage of Annie Caldon is a James Foley, so I'm guessing that's the same James Foley mentioned in your earlier post ?

    There's a good match for James and Anne, no children on the 1881 census living at Pontcanna Rd in Cardiff. James is a dock labourer age 23 and shown as born 'Waterford', and Anne age 21 as born 'Cork'.

    I'll try to trace these two forward and see if there are any clues that might help your search. The later census returns often give a more detailed place of birth - e.g. possibly the name of a town..

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 03:46PM
  • I havn't established a full census trail yet, still missing them on the 1891 and 1901 returns, but based on likely matches on the 1881, 1891 and 1911 returns I think I have the correct James, Anne and family on the 1911 returns. They are still in Cardiff and their ages are a good match, and one of the children is Ethel age 26, who also appears on the 1891 census age 7. Places of birth for James and Annie are originally entered on the form as 'Ireland' and 'County Cork' but have had amendments added at some stage (possibly by the enumerator ?) to 'Dungarvan, Co. Waterford' for James, and 'Kingsale' for Annie - presumably a mishearing for Kinsale.

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 05:09PM
  •  hi shanew147 yes that is them i have all the uk census returns for the uk thank you,  what need is how do i trace them in ireland  ??? kinsale and dungraven and back thank you

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 05:41PM
  • You're under the right parish for James...  Do you have a marriage cert for James and Annie ?

    If so post the details - confirmation of father's names, and occupations are useful clues for a search.

    heres a link to your previous topic on James

    Annie might be a little difficult get started on, as I suspect Caldon is a variation they used in Wales and not their original surname from when they were in Ireland.. the Catholic records for most of West Co. Cork are available free on the IrishGenealogy Website - see here

    Have you located James and Annie on any English census returns before 1881 ?   I'm wondering how long they were in Wales - maybe with the parents and other family before they married... any details that can be found on them could be a big help in your search..

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 06:21PM
  • i guess i had better get a marriage cert for james and annie ,llandaff is as far back as the caldon's why would they change there name

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 06:30PM
  • I dont think it would be an actual name change, but I suspect that maybe a variation - possibly their proper Irish surname wasn't easy for locals in Wales to pronounce. The are just a handfull of Caldon records showing up in searches which is what leads me to suspect this...

    The marriage cert is definitely a good idea - should confirm the father's names etc and might gives you clues via the names of the witnesses.

    I'll have look for the Caldon and Foloey families on earlier UK census returns...i.e. before they married. I think the famiies may have been in Wales well before James and Annie got married

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 07:02PM
  • There are a number of public trees on ancestry (at least eight) which seem to mention this same couple. These trees are not always accurate, and need to be checked out... they may be based on assumptions, or hazy family stories rather than documents. In this case much of the detail on these seems to have been copied from one to the other.

    The following is from what I scanned in a quick read through of these, and the following is just for reference, while I investigate ...

    James and Annie married 18th Sept, St Peters R, C, Church, Roath, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales.
    most of the trees just have his place of birth as Waterford, none have as much detail as the Dungarvan detail you have now from the 1911 census.. James died 1935 in Cardiff, one of the trees gives his father as Bartholomew but no source for this seems to be given

    Annie died 1932 in Cardiff,  most of the trees just have her place of birth as Cork, so dont mentioned the more detailed 'Kinsale' location you now have from the 1911 census. Her parents are shown on several trees as Timothy and Hanora, but again no mention of a source for this (might be unproven)

    There's a menion of an 1871 census for at least the Caldon part of the family, which I'll follow up first.

    One of these trees, which I suspect is the 'master' that the others are copied from, gives Annie surname as 'Caldon\Calnan\Cullinane' - so looks like someone may have come across some clue about the variations in surname before, maybe from the 1871 census...




    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 07:31PM
  • It sounds like you may have seen some of this, but I'll post anyway as there are some good details here to add to the evidence for any searches - a possible for Annie's family in 1871 - in Cardiff.

    Timothy Caldon     33
    Anyna Caldon     32
    Anne Caldon     12
    Edward Caldon     7
    John J Caldon     5
    Timothy Caldon     2

    The wife/mother's name certainly looks like 'Anyna' on the original form, but I've never seen that before... I think it's a a misreading or mishearing by the enumerator maybe - Hannah/Hanorah  ?

    Timothy snr is listed as a Labourer in an Iron Works, 'Anyna' as 'Formerly Domestic Servant', both of them along with eldest Anne listed as born 'Ireland Cork',  Edward born 'London' and John and Timothy jnr. both born Glamorgan - looks like Cardiff

    I was hoping to find a possible match for births for either of the two children born in Cardiff, but nothing promising on the the BMD index that I can see -  but there are two other Caldon entries around the right time in the Glamorgan district that could  be related - Mary Ann in 1869 and William in 1866. A birth cert would be very useful for taking the search back to Co. Cork as it would give the couples full names to identify possible matches, rather than just one half of the details..

    ... there is a Timothy Calanan and Hanora McCarthy that I thought might be promising that appear as parents for children baptised in Kinsale, and they have a child name Ann bapt. 1858, but they are still in the parish later for a baptism of another child John in 1861 - I not sure if they can fit unless this John died...

    p.s. there are no Caldon baptisms showing up in RC records for Kinsale

    I have to leave it there for now....

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Mar 2015, 10:54PM
  • 1871 census  was where i got to in the uk , but then i was lost for the last few months as i could not find any more caldon's from this tree ,i did think anya was a bit like polish ??? , but  i never  thought of them changing names or mistakes , i have it all the time with mail addressed fowley or foey  and cold callers on the phone so i can see how it would happen back then and he 1881 census anne is down as annie so shes picked up an i so  thank you for your help and your hard work


    Wednesday 11th Mar 2015, 09:22AM

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