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I am Bill McDermott from Santa Cruz, CA, USA.

- My Grandmother was Catherine Agnes Gaffrey from Drumboylan Townland, Co. Roscommon. Her father was Michael Gaffrey (Gaafry/Gaffry) depending on the documents reviewed. It was Gaffrey on his death certificate (4 June 1917).  

-I  have spent time in Ireland and got Michael's marriage and death certs. as well as the birth certs. for many of his children.

- I was unable to locate any cemetery markers for him, his wife (Anne Moffit, death: 30 May 1921), or either of the children that did not emigrate. Those were Margaret (b: 21/8/1876) and Elizabeth (b: 23/7/1885-d: abt.1957 (both in Drumboylan) who married (abt. 1915) Michael Regan (b: abt. 1871-d: Unknown).  This is the primary information I will be looking for.  I will be in the area 1 April - 20 April 2015.

- Drumboylan Townland is an area around St. Patrick's Church, just beyond Battle Bridge on the R284, from Leitrim to Kideau.

- If you have the time and any suggestions, I can probably be best reached at <>.

Thank You for your time, Sincerely,

Bill McDermott


Monday 2nd Feb 2015, 10:30PM

Message Board Replies

  • Bill:

    If you have not already, you may want to check out these two cemeteries.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 3rd Feb 2015, 12:46AM
  • Hello Roger,
    Thank you so much for the recommendation. While I had no luck in at the two cemeteries, this has given me an entirely new resource to research. There are cemeteries just a little closer to Drumboylan down near Lietrim Village and around Drumshambo. I will be looking for any of those that are indexed over the next few days.
    Again, Thank You,



    Tuesday 3rd Feb 2015, 08:22PM

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