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I am trying to find any records of Dennis Kilmartin who was born in Ireland about 1815 and died, as far as I can tell, around 1870.  He married  Johanna Condon and had five children: Bernard Kilmartin 1836-1914, Edmund or Edward Kilmartin 1840-1909, Jeremiah Kilmartin 1842-1910, Patrick H. Kilmartin 1842-1903 and Margaret Kilmartin 1846-1918.  

I am also trying to find any infomation on a different Jeremiah Kilmartin, 1814-1907 and his parents Bernard Kilmartin and Margaret Reardon.  Jeremiah married Rosanna Coyl, daughter of Patrick Coyl and Rosanna McCabe

Any help would be truly appreciated

Wednesday 21st Jan 2015, 10:53PM

Message Board Replies

  • Alan:

    I did some searching on the Roots Ireland indexes but could not find any bapstisms for parents Denis and Johanna. I only found Denis and Bridget and the names did not match up.

    Did any of the sons of Denis stay in Ireland? By looking at the 1901 census , we could determine where they lived.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 21st Jan 2015, 11:09PM
  • Alan:

    Another thought. Is it possible that the surname was Gilmartin in Ireland? Gilmartin was much more common in Sligo compared to Kilmartin.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 21st Jan 2015, 11:54PM
  • Roger -

    I don't think any of the children stayed In Ireland.  I've seen most of the children's death certificates and they were all from Michigan, USA between 1895-1920.   None of the death certificates mention where in Ireland their birth was.

    From what I've read about the background of the name Kilmartin, I would say there is a good chance the name could have bee Gilmartin, or even other variations.

    I am also not at all sure he came from county Sligo.  I have read that the Kilmartin name is most common in that county but I have no solid information that he came from there.  When I first got on this website the other day, it appeared to me that, to leave a message on a board, I had to commit to a parish or a county so I picked Sligo.

    Alan Kilmartin

    Thursday 22nd Jan 2015, 06:29PM
  • Roger -

    I just found an1860 census from Orange, Ionia county, Michigan showing Dennis and Johanna and their children Patrick and Margaret all having the last name Gilmartin

    Alan Kilmartin

    Thursday 22nd Jan 2015, 06:46PM
  • Alan:

    I went back to the Roots indexes and searched for Gilmartin baptisms with parents denis and Johanna ifrom 1836-1846 and found three but they were down in Co. Limerick and the first two names were Mary and Bridget which does not match your info. My conclusion is that the children were baptized in a church that does not have records on Roots back to the 1840 time frame.

    Roots does not have records for all parishes in Ireland.

    FYI. On Ireland Reaching Out you can post on the Ireland page when you don't know the county. We are working on a new and hopefully more user friendly site with a potential March release.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 22nd Jan 2015, 07:53PM
  • Roger -

    Are there other web sources I can search?  I found another site called RootsIreland  which says it found 3 baptism records and 1 marriage record pertaining to "Gilmartin, Denis, 1815" entered into 3 fields for surname, firstname and year.  I would have to pay to see these records so I did not proceed but they sound very similar to the records you found. If I can't find any records on Denis and Johanna I am afraid my search is at an end. . . .

    Saturday 24th Jan 2015, 06:12PM
  • Roger -

    Are there other web sources I can search?  I found another site called RootsIreland  which says it found 3 baptism records and 1 marriage record pertaining to "Gilmartin, Denis, 1815" entered into 3 fields for surname, firstname and year.  I would have to pay to see these records so I did not proceed but they sound very similar to the records you found. If I can't find any records on Denis and Johanna I am afraid my search is at an end. . . .

    Saturday 24th Jan 2015, 06:12PM
  • Alan:

    I have been searching on Roots Ireland. I looked at the three baptismal records. One of three records was in Co. Sligo. It was an 1818 baptism in the Ahamlish RC church. The parents were Patrick and Bridget.

    The marriage record was in 1836 also in Ahamlish RC church. However, the spouse's first name was Bridget not Johanna. I'm wondering if the 1836 marriage record is for the person baptized in 1818?

    I also looked at the 1858 Griffiths Valuation for Co. Sligo and there were only two Denis Gilmartin entries and both were in Ahamlish civil parish. There were no Denis Kilmartin in the Griffiths for Co. Sligo. One of the Denis Gilmartins lived in Bunduff townland and the other in Creevykeel townland. It is also possible that the same Denis had property in both townlands. As an aside there were about 100 Gilmartin entries in the Griffiths for Ahamlish parish.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 24th Jan 2015, 08:01PM

    Roger -

    I'm not sure what to make of your info about 1818 baptism or 1836 marriage because I now think that Denis was born in 1807 rather than 1815.  The reason for the discrepency is that there in conflicting information.  An 1850 Census lists his age as 35 but the 1870 Census shows his age as 63. The 1860 census lists him as 50 putting his birth in 1810.  Most other family trees showing him are going with the 1807 date.   Do the baptism or marriage record have names available?

    I found a passenger list showing Edw. Kilmartin, one of Dennis's son arriving in America in 1873. This is 20 years after the famine.  I'm not sure why they would have left Ireland if they owned any property. I think all of them would have come over in roughly the same time period - maybe over a number of years. Not even sure it's the right Edmund/Edward.

    NAME:Edward Kilmartin ARRIVAL DATE:1 May 1873 BIRTH DATE:abt 1841 AGE:32  PORT OF DEPARTURE:Glasgow, Scotland and Larne and Scotland PORT OF ARRIVAL:New York, New York SHIP NAME:Pennsylvania

    Also, found info on Johanna coming to America but have not found source document

    NAME:Johanna Kilmartin ARRIVAL DATE:31 May 1849  AGE:28    PORT OF ARRIVAL:New York  PORT OF DEPARTURE:Liverpool   PLACE OF ORIGIN:Ireland     SHIP:Fidelia


    Monday 26th Jan 2015, 09:27PM
  • Roger - I just found an obituary from 1914 on Bernard stating he was born in Limerick Ireland. Alan

    Monday 26th Jan 2015, 09:47PM
  • Hello Alan,
    I read your messages on the Ireland XO website. I think your ancestors may have been from Limerick - Reardon and Condon are Limerick/North Cork names. I may be able to help you in tracing them.


    Tuesday 27th Jan 2015, 10:44AM
  • I made a mistake in my original post, saying that Rosanna Coyl was the daughter of Patrick Coyl and Margaret Reardon. She was the daughter of Patrick Coyl and Rosanna McCabe.

    I also found this Obit on her:

    Birth:  Mar. 25, 1818 County Monaghan, Ireland Death:  Dec. 24, 1901 Portland Ionia County Michigan, USA The Observer and Review, Portland, Michigan, January 1, 1902: Two Residents of Village Stricken Rosanna, wife of Jeremiah Kilmartin, died at her home in this village on the 24th , age 83 years.

    Mrs. Kilmartin was born in County Monnaghan Ireland, March 25, 1818, and came to America when but eight years of age with her parents and settled in Rhode Island, removing to Webster township, Washtenaw county, Michigan, in an early day.

    In 1846 she married Mr. Kilmartin, who survives her, and they lived together more than 55 years. Deceased came to Orange, Ionia county, in 1863, from Ann Arbor, and settled on section 33. They resided there upward of thirty years and then removed to Portland village, where they have since resided.

    The cause of her death was malarial fever and neuralgia of the brain. Besides a husband, now 86 years of age, deceased is survived by the following children: Mrs. C. Eagan, Caledonia, Kent county; Patrick, Portland; Mrs. C. Cahill, Lansing; Mrs. Michael Moriarty, Danby; Mrs. Frank Peck, Livonia, Wayne county, Mich.

    Funeral services were held from the Catholic church on Friday last and burial made in Portland cemetery.

    Mrs. Kilmartin was one of those big-hearted Irish women whose hospitality is synonymous of the race and she was a loving wife, indulgent mother and kind and obliging neighbor.

    Tuesday 27th Jan 2015, 04:22PM
  • Hello

    I thought in your original post you said that Jerimiah Kilmartin's mother was Margaret Reardon?

    Just wondering what excatly you are trying to find out and if I can be of assistance.

    Do you need any help with the Kilmartin research - seems like they came from Limerick?



    Tuesday 27th Jan 2015, 06:54PM
  • Kathleen -

    Sorry for the confusion. When I first posted, I put Margaret Reardon's name in 2 places by accident (I edited the 2nd one today to correct it to Rosanna McCabe).

    My main concern is finding anything on Dennis Kilmartin & Johanna Condon as that is my direct lineage. Two of their children are Bernard and Jeremiah so I am able to place both of them in my family tree.  

    But I also found records of a DIFFERENT Jeremiah and Bernard (his father) who I feel are related but I have no idea how.  The 2nd Jeremiah lived 1814-1907 and his parents are Bernard Kilmartin and Margaret Reardon.

    Bernard, son of Dennis, did indeed come from Limerick, according to his obituary.  Should I repost everything on a different message board for Limerick?


    Tuesday 27th Jan 2015, 09:53PM
  • Hi Alan,

    I see - all clear now!

    Yes, it would probably be better (with better chance of success that someone else will see it in Limerick) if you put it on the Co. Limerick section of this site.

    I am near Limerick if there is any research you feel you need help with locally.



    Wednesday 28th Jan 2015, 11:34AM

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