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I have been researching my Irish roots for over 20 years.   I have discovered that my Irish GGgrandfather and GGgrandmother immigrated from Ireland to St. Helens England somewhere before 1851 where they appear in the census of England.   

My GGrandmothers name was Margaret Neville (b. 1829) father Robert Neville.  My GGrandfathers name was John Lilly.    They marriage in England (1847),   its not certain whether they came over from Ireland together or separately.    I found that they were from WestMeath, because we found a sister of Margaret in the same town,  and on one of the census records from England, it stated that she was from WestMeath Ireland.      I then searched the,  and found a Robert Neville, married to a Sarah Carey with all the childrens baptisms that matched the sisters of Margaret (Ann and Mary)  in Kilbeggan.  Her sisters names were known because she was living near them in St. Helens after they immigrated over there. 


I'm looking for any information on Neville (Nevill), Careys and Lilly's in WestMeath or surrounding towns of Kilbeggan.   Or any information how I might find more out from the Catholic records in Kilbeggan. 

I have almost no information on my GGrandfather John Lilly (b. 1821),  except that his fathers name was  Denis, and his mothers name was possibly Cathering.    He had a brother or cousin named James and Joseph,  that also immigrated over to England after the famine. 

Thanks in advance if anyone has any hints that might help!


angela napolitano

Tuesday 20th Jan 2015, 11:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Angela

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    If you have already looked at rootsireland and have exhausted the possibilities there, it is unlikely that you will be able to find out any more from parish records. One of the difficulties of trying to search further back of course, is the lack of record availability.

    Outside of the parish records there are other, less utilised that you could try such as the Morpeth Roll or the Newspaper Archives. Another train of thought would be to concentrate on the children of Margaret's sister/siblings and see if any further detail can be gleamed from tracking them, on the basis that their records might contain further information on the previous generations.

    Let us know if you learn anything new. You can check for the Morpeth Roll and the link for the Irish Newspaper Archive is below:

    Irish Newspaper Archive:

    Have you had a look at the Ancestry public member trees for instances of the family name?

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 4th Feb 2015, 11:46AM

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