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I'm looking for any information about one Julia Connell. She was born in the townland of Ballynagraigue in the parish of Duagh in 1872. Her parents were Philip Connell and Catherine Meade. The only other thing I know is that she emigrated to the USA and became a singer. I've been told that she was a well-known singer in her day. Specifically I was told that she sang on stage - whether music hall or opera, I don't know. It's said that she never married. She had a younger sister Bridget who I think also emigrated to USA in 1905. No one in Ireland knows anything more about them. Julia did have her portrait painted at some point. And my third cousin has a photograph of this hanging in his house. But he knows nothing more about her.

If anyone knows any resources where one might track stage singers from the late nineteenth or early twentieth centurries, please let me know. Thank you.


Monday 5th Jan 2015, 06:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Thomas
    Welcome to Ireland Reaching out!

    Have you had a look at the various Newspaper sites for information on this singing aspect? I would have thought that this type of thing would be something publicized in the papers

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Friday 9th Jan 2015, 11:37AM

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