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Looking for the parish my grandfather was from in County Clare. His name was Michael Keniry born in Kilclogher?? in 1905.  His parents were Patrick and Catherine.  Siblings included Nora, Margaret, Mary, Peter, Patrick, Dennis,John, Richard(who he came to Canada with), Agnes,Elizabeth.  He came to Canada in 1927, leaving Ireland on July 1 and arriving on July 8. He passed away in Canada in 1957.

Monday 22nd Dec 2014, 12:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Glenda:

    Your Kenirys are very elusive.

    Do you know which siblings were born before 1911 in addition to Michaell?

    I'm trying to determine where the family was in the 1911 census.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd Dec 2014, 01:35AM
  • for reference - the 1927 immigration record includes Richard as age 18, both he and Michael have native place as 'Kilclogher, Clare', and their nearest Irish relative as sister Lizzie Keniry of Kilclogher, Cross, Co. Clare.

    likely birth for Richard :

    Name     Richard Kenniry
    Event Type     Birth
    Registration Quarter and Year     Jan - Mar 1909
    Registration District     Kilrush
    Volume 4 / Page 250

    I havn't been able to locate a good match for Michael and/or Richard in 1911 either. Kilclogher is the name of a townland and village about 10km (~6 miles) to the east of Loop Head


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd Dec 2014, 11:46AM
  • We do not know the dates of birth of any of the siblings.  I am hoping his place of birth is correct asthis is what was told to me by my parents.  I have tried to do searches on him and I come up with nothing though.  Thank you

    Monday 22nd Dec 2014, 05:48PM
  • The Keniry/Kinniry/Kinirey family lived in the small townland of Cloghaunbeg, which adjoins the larger townland of Kilcloher, both in Kilballyowen parish.

    You can find them in the online census returns at…


    Paddy Waldron, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 13th Jun 2019, 04:01PM
  • I looked for Michael and several of his siblings on - several of their Civil Birth records came up on dates between 1885 and 1915, all born in the district of Kilrush.  Michael’s record was only partial - didn’t show the page with father’s name and townland, but listed him as born in 1905, mother’s maiden surname Keane.  The townland of Kilcloher was listed on the other Children”s records.  The father’’s name was listed as Patrick; the only difference was the mother's name, which was Mary, Maiden name Keane.  The site I searched is a free site.


    Thursday 13th Jun 2019, 10:56PM
  • Yes his mother's maiden name was Keane but we have it as Catharine.  Perhaps her name was Mary Catharine but went by Catharine. Do you have the link for that free site?  Thanks so much


    Friday 14th Jun 2019, 06:10PM
  • Hello Paddy, Were those Keanes you talk about above also Kilrush? looking for Miles Keane born about 1800 we think. He was married to margaret McNamarra as far as we know and had at least one son Miles also and perhaps a mMichael; those boys born in athe 180s we think.




    Friday 14th Jun 2019, 10:09PM
  • Michael's birth was not registered until 1928, so the full record will not be available online until 2029 or later under current rules:

    !BIRTH: Ireland, Civil Registration Births Index, 1864-1958
    Name:     Michael 1905 Kenniry
    Mother's Surname:     Keane
    Date of Registration:     Oct-Nov-Dec 1928
    Registration district:     Kilrush
    Birth Country:     Ireland
    Volume:     4
    Page:     194
    FHL Film Number:     101230

    The search form for birth records registered more promptly is at

    I had an aunt who was officially Mary but was always known as Kit; perhaps Mrs Kenniry was known as Kit and somebody has just jumped to the conclusion that this was short for Catherine.

    Mrs. Kenniry was from Kilcloher townland, which is in Kilrush superintendent registrar's district.  In this townland alone there were no less than 49 Keanes in 11 households by 1901:…

    Miles Keane is a very unusual combination, but there were a couple of Myles Keanes in Kilnamona district electoral division in 1911.  Perhaps Myles or Miles was a traditional name in one of the Keane families in that area.


    Paddy Waldron, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 14th Jun 2019, 10:31PM
  • Thanks Paddy, Have been trying Kilnamona as i had a hint that a Catherie Keane married a Wallace there about 1824, so have been pursuing that line without luck. My Miles and Michael both claim on marriage certificates here in Australia that they are from Co Clare and that their parents were Miles amd Margaret nee MacNamara. given that they appear to be born around early 1830s I am guessing that their parents are born about 1810 and therin lies my problem - I cannot find records for that period. Any clues or suggestions? Thanks. Pam Fleming (They are from Cork)!!!!



    Saturday 15th Jun 2019, 10:12AM
  • I am confused as to who was from County Clare and who was from County Cork.

    In the Tithe Applotment Books which range from the 1820s to the 1840s, there is no Myles Keane in County Clare and the only two entries for Miles Keane are in Kilnamona parish.  They could be for the same man occupying land in two adjoining townlands in the same parish (Moarhaun and Shallee), or for two separate namesakes.  See…

    By Griffith's Valuation in 1855, there was no Keane left in either Moarhaun or Shallee.

    The baptism and marriage registers for the Catholic parish of Inagh and Kilnamona survive only from 1850:

    A number of Keanes from Kilnamona certainly emigrated to Australia:

    Try posting your query on the Kilnamona page on this website:…

    DNA comparison is a great way of pushing your research back another generation beyond the available paper records - autosomal DNA comparison for anyone, and Y-DNA comparison if there is a living male Keane descendant still available to swab:…


    Paddy Waldron, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 15th Jun 2019, 11:19AM
  • Cuddles 10,

    the link for the site where I found the records is The lookups I did were for Civil Records.  You can look up Birth, Marriage and Death records.  I had kin in Clare, too.  Happy Huntiing,  Sharon


    Saturday 15th Jun 2019, 06:58PM

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