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I'm trying to find info on my Great Grandparents.  Phillip King and Mary Keene.  They came to America in the late 1800's.  Wondering if I still have family in Ireland.  Any info you can send, I would appreciate it.  Thankyou.

Sunday 23rd Nov 2014, 06:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Holly,

    Usually we are given some more information in order to start a search here on this side of the pond.  You may have to do do some legwork over there to enable us to start .

    Can you get your great grandparents death certificates?  These often contain very valuable information. 

    You should go to the district in which they died and apply for these certs.

    Have you looked to see if their deaths were mentioned in the newspapers at the time?  Have a look through the local newspaper archive.  These type of records often contain vital information.

    Have you looked at/for their naturalisation papers?  All this informnation can be got.

    Do you know if they were married in Ireland or the States?

    You posted this query in the Kerry section.  Have you a reason to believe they were from Kerry?  

    I will have a quick look here to see if anything jumps out immediately, but I think you may need to start looking over there also.

    Talk soon,

    Anne Dennehy

    Sunday 23rd Nov 2014, 12:23PM

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