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I am searching for a couple who migrated to NSW, Australia.  The husband gives his name as Patrick GROGAN and he claims he was married in County Clare in the 1850's and his wife was nmed Margaret.  His information may be dubious at best as he was in quite a bit of trouble with the law and the information he has given on available documents has turned out to be untrue. The ship he claimed to have arrived on does not exist!

This Patrick GROGAN would have been born around 1836 but unfortunaely Clare is the only location given (no town).  It is possible that wife's parents were named John and Penelope but unfortunately I can not find a record of her maiden surname anywhere.  

Not much to go on but you never know!  Children's names (taken from Trial records) which might give a clue as to the family are Bridget (certain), John (certain) and perhaps a Michael or Patrick or a combination of both.

This Patrick Grogan was responsisble for the death of his wife under terrible circumstances involving cruelty and the children at quite a young age were called to testify in the Trial.  I would be most grateful for any information about this family.



Sunday 9th Nov 2014, 10:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Further to my previous post I now have reason to believe that the Penelope to whom I referred (mother of Patrick's wife, Margaret McMahon) had the maiden surname of "Lillis" or something similar.  She may have been the Penenlope McMahon who died in 1880 in Borrisokane.  (But Patrick Grogan - son-in-law- of Penelope - definietely claims Clare as his native place




    Monday 10th Nov 2014, 07:53PM
  • I have also been researching Patrick Grogan and Margaret McMahon, who are my 4th great grandparents through their son Michael.  .

    Tuesday 12th Apr 2016, 02:21PM

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