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Hi again,


I have attached the only photo's I have of my Mothers family in Ireland.  The picture of my grandfather John O'Brien has 28th August 1944 a "legal portrait" taken at a place on the Edgeware Rd London.  Perhaps a passport pic?  The other 2 photo's are of my Mother and her sisters (Carmel, Catherine & Rosalind) again not sure of the spelling:))


If anyone recognises them please message me.



cheers Lynda

Ireland Reaching Out -

Lynda Anderson

Tuesday 4th Nov 2014, 06:32AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Lynda

    Our Wicklow volunteer hopes to look at your query later this week

    Best wishes
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 4th Nov 2014, 02:11PM
  • Hi Clare,

    thank you very much.

    cheers Lynda

    Lynda Anderson

    Wednesday 5th Nov 2014, 07:34AM

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