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Greetings from Utica, NY I have been looking for my gr gr grandfather John Daly. I have been searching for him since 2004. The 1st thing I have on him is his marriage in Chicago, IL sep 29, 1883 to Anne Shanahan. I know everything about him once he was in the US, but know nothing of his family. 

Had thought his parish may have been CastleIsland, but alas had no luck there. What I have on his death certificate is that his fathers name was Daniel. I cannot be sure of that, but that is what I have to go on. All I really know is he came from county Kerry.  I have been in Irishgenealogy looking up and looking up. Though he is not listed, his parents may have been Daniel Daly and Honora Prendeville. married Feb 12, 1843, from Kilsarcon.  Brothers & sisters may be Timothy 1848, Bridget 1855, Daniel 1856, Martin & Jeremiah 1859 & Denis 1866. There is no real reason I think that except that his daughter was named Nora, that Nora's grandson was named Denis and its possible Martin & Jeremiah were twins and my grandfather, Nora's son had twins. I know its a long shot, but some years are missing on Irish genealogy. I belived him to be born  around 1857 or 1858. Death certificate says he was born 1852. Marriage certificate says he was 24 when he married in 1883. IF the above was his family birth would be 1857 or 1858 which there is a gap in births at that time frame for the family. I know that does not mean he was part of the family, but I sure would like to know for sure to rule them out. Also, death certificate says he was born in Aug.

Thank you

Best regards

Maye B-T


Friday 10th Oct 2014, 06:00AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Maye

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I have forwarded your query to a Kerry Volunteer, I hope she will be in touch soon.

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 15th Oct 2014, 11:08AM
  • Thank you, how very kind of you.


    Wednesday 15th Oct 2014, 09:02PM
  • Dear Maye, for some reason your message only reached me today. Can I suggest that you do a further search to see if there is an obituary or a naturalisation record in the States which would narrow down our search enormously? Some people have been very lucky by doing this.

    Warm wishes


    Wednesday 17th Jun 2015, 12:37PM
  • Grettings, 

    Still learning my way around sites, I thought I would get an email letting me know I had a response to post. So sorry. But yes I have an obituary but no mention of family except his wife, daughter, and his wife's sister. I know all of Nellie Donohues states history as well as Anne Daley's State side. So obit did not help.    As for Naturalizations, there are thousands of John Daley's. I have checked many in search of familar names listed as witness, thus far none. Still a blank slate. Onward I trudge. Thank you for your response. May B-T


    Monday 12th Jun 2017, 05:44PM
  • Dear May B-T:

    Sorry to hear that you are still searching for this elusive John Daly.  Have you gone through the U.S. Census records as it may be that a family member stayed with John and his family?  Other household members in the census often are clues to other family members.  Was his wife, Anne from Ireland?  If so, where did her sister live?  Check through the Census records carefully --even look at neighbours (who might be cousins). 

    Please keep us posted as to you your progress.  You might consider creating a profile for John  on the XO Chronicles with what information you have.  Other members will be able to read it and may be able to contribute and break down your brick wall.

    The link for the Chronicles is below:


    The best of luck with your research!

    Kind regards,




    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 12th Jun 2017, 07:46PM
  • Hello Jane

    Nice of you to responde. As to US census I have 1900, 1920, 1930 and 1940 for John. Relatives that have lived in or around him were relatives of his wife Anne Shanahan. One of her sisters sons even died in Johns house (he lived there also) he was a Donohue. Anne was from Tullamere, county Kerry, Father Joseph Shanahan, mother Bridget Walsh.Ballybunion Parish. I have census info on those sisters that came to US. Mary Sullivan & Catherine Loaney are in the same  (building)US census 1880. I have life history on other sisters too, Nellie (Nellie) Donohue census and some of the children of sisters that stayed in Ireland. Margaret Galivan and Honora O'Donnell. So I know that alot of families lived  mixed in with aunts & uncles and were close knit. However, that was Anne's family. Not John's. I do however believe that Timothy Divine was a cousin to John Daley.

    Thank you for the link, I will check it out

    Best regards

    may B-T


    Tuesday 13th Jun 2017, 08:45PM

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