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I recently found the family (parents & siblings) of Patrick Edward Rogers. Patrick's parents are Arthur Rodgers, Sr. (spelling in GV) and Isabella (Bella) Quinn. Other children of Arthur & Isabella are Mary, Arthur, Jr., Catherine, Felix, Ann, and Rose Ann. All the children were born in Dernaseer, Co. Tyrone. Arthur & Isabella were married in Donaghmore Parish.

Patrick married Rosanne Hagan; they eventually emigrated to New York. Mary emigrated to New York and married Edward Carroll. Catherine married Joseph McVeigh, and I think they stayed in Ireland. Felix married Ellen Brannigan (father Owen Brannigan in GV). Felix traveled back and forth from Ireland to New York several times. Eventually they emigrated to New York as the show up in the 1940 census, and were living in same house in 1935.

I have gone through all the GV's and found Aurthur (Sr.) and Felix, and Owen Brannigan. I see where Felix takes over Owen's land in 1908.

What I'm looking for is any other siblings (and parents) of Arthur, Sr. My brickwall is trying to connect this family to my GG Grandmother, Rose Rogers Murphy. I know that there is a connection because two of Patrick's children are buried in the same section of graves as my GG Grandmother. I'm almost possitive that Patrick is too young to be Rose's brother, but until I find proof it's still a guess. It's also possible that Arthur, Sr., is Rose's brother.

I'm looking for help/suggestions on how to continue to find a connection between my GG Grandmother, Rose, and Arthur, Sr., and Patrick. 

Any help is welcomed and appreciated!!

Thanks, Ally


Tuesday 30th Sep 2014, 04:58PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Ally

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    I take it you have tried to find the marriage record of Arthur and Bella Quinn? RC records for Donaghmore begin in 1837. Do you know if they are RC?

    If I were you, I would try to see these as separate searches rather than trying to connect them first and then find the evidence, if that makes sense. Concentrate on Arthur and Isabella; are there sponsors or witnesses named on marriage or baptism records that provide fresh names? Are there other lesser-known sources that could help - the Flax Growers List of 1796 for example, lists a small number of Rogers entries:

    You may find that you will have to go on an information gathering exercise. New information is coming online all the time and two good sites to keep an eye on for updates include:

    Irish Genealogical Research Society:

    Genealogy Toolkit Blog/News:

    Have you checked the Tithes also?

    Let us know if you learn anything new

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 7th Oct 2014, 12:07PM

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