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I am wondering if anyone could please take a photo for me of my uncle and aunty's grave in Rathnew Cemetery? Jeremiah Farrell died in 1984 I think, and his wife Mary died some years after him, I have just returned from a trip to Ireland a couple months ago but never got the chance to visit their grave.



Saturday 27th Sep 2014, 12:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Martin

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    Unfortunately we don't have a volunteer in Rathnew.

    This link may be of use to you:…

    Best wishes and I hope you enjoyed you trip!

    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 30th Sep 2014, 03:09PM
  • Hi Clare,

    No worries. I've had a look on that website and unfortunately it seems that their headstone hasnt yet been photographed. So will just wait a bit longer.



    Wednesday 1st Oct 2014, 01:08AM

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